General Category > Huh?

But Lana, this is why we love ya.....

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Ct Yankee:

Del Rey shares in the video that this is the “third time” this has happened to her and what have we learned?

“Please don’t listen to the music if you hear it, because it’s not coming out yet,”   I think I might have been physically thrown out of my Logic 101 class in 1975 if I used this sentence in an essay.

"I had to remotely wipe the computer that had my 200-page book for Simon & Schuster, which I didn’t have backed up on a cloud.”  You can't make this stuff up.

...but that's way we love her 🤦.

Who is she and why does anyone care about her?

Ct Yankee:
I admire curiosity.  Ms. Del Rey is a six time Grammy nominated singer/composer and while not winning, has garnered almost 40 other music awards. She has collaborated with several artists including, but not limited to, Stevie Nicks, Miley Cyrus, Sean Lennon, Arianna Grande and, as of today's release, Taylor Swift. 

As for interest, here is a sprinkling of HFU logged broadcasters who have put her on their playlist during the past decade:

Radio Free USA,62786.msg216116.html#msg216116
Channel 92,56780.msg198338.html#msg198338
Boom Box Radio,11230.msg34090.html#msg34090
Station WLG,59666.msg206838.html#msg206838
Not Clever Name Radio,92508.msg295331.html#msg295331

Glad to be of assistance  ;D.

No Radio Al Fansome?
The first time I heard of Thorazine was due to a girl at my HS who would stand in the stairwell's and scream during classes. Her name was Lana. It was blamed on her heavy use of recreational drugs, but I never bought it. None of her siblings were entirely all there, heavy drug use was common at that school, and no one else screamed in the stairwell's.


--- Quote from: Pigmeat on October 20, 2022, 2016 UTC ---Who is she and why does anyone care about her?

--- End quote ---
If Lizabeth Scott could sing, she'd have sounded like Lana Del Rey. Seriously, Lana sounds like film noir looks.

Born to Die from 2012 is a good starting place.

Reminds me, I need to catch up on her more recent stuff.


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