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UNID BUZZER 8992 USB 0220 UTC 21 NOV 2023

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UNID BUZZER 8992.0 kHz USB 02:20 UTC 21 NOV 2023

02:20 UTC - UNID BUZZER being observed on 8992.0. Good readable. Loud and clear on the University of Twente Wide-band WebSDR.
02:52 UTC - Loud and clear from the KiwiSDR at Kelvedon Hatch Secret Nuclear Bunker (GB0SNB).

RSPduo | Wellbrook loop antenna

hearing it here in Boston area. Haven't we heard this before on the HF-GCS frequencies - maybe about a year ago?

I guess the previous weirdness on the HF-GCS frequencies didn't sound like this and was heard on all HF-GCS frequencies. I only hear it on 8992 right now.


--- Quote from: Nomadiq on November 21, 2023, 0237 UTC ---hearing it here in Boston area. Haven't we heard this before on the HF-GCS frequencies - maybe about a year ago?

--- End quote ---

We sure did but if I recall, it had a different sound to it. I would have to go back through my archives and see if I still have a recording of it. We called it the Buzz Saw.


you are right - different sound.

Can offer an additional detail; I was listening to UtahSDR when it came on at 01:37 UTC; it started abruptly without any fanfare;

Was also able to receive with KiwiSDRs in Europe and North America, was not able to receive with KiwiSDRs in east Asia.

The numbers-station.org post about signal on 8992 kHz in 2022 comes to mind in terms of its suggestion this might be related to the French Air Force, which I am sure most readers of this post are already aware uses 8992 kHz as a primary frequency anyways. In addition to what numbers-station documented for 2022, I've noticed an increase in the amount of "noise" present on 8992 kHz w/ UTwente in the last few months.

I'd be tempted to suggest that the reception over CONUS last night was just a case of good signal propagation where it otherwise hasn't been the case – as I write this at 18:17 UTC UTwente can still pick up the 'noise', even though CONUS KiwiSDRs cannot, and this has been the case for at least the last several hours, and reflects what has been the case the last few months (i.e. UTwente has been able to pick up these various signals on 8992, CONUS cannot). However, the signal today has been rather different in sound/nature. This image is too large embed here but compares the waterfall presentation of March 2022, August 2023, and today's signal; https://i.imgur.com/YywfL6f.jpg


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