Technical Topics > Part 15 AM and FM Station Operation

Pacifica Network welcomes & interviews Part 15 AM'er in Fairmont, WV! And???


ThaDood:      Good, to see others running with this.

UPDATE 1/1/2024:  Geez... I just hope that I didn't add to this op's on / off arguments on Part 15 station publicity and operations. But, goto   , check-out the POSTS, and there's back & forth controversy upon the legits of a Part 15 op. What I don't like is when others insist to tell you how to run your station. People could suggest, but don't tell me what I can and can not do. There's a reason that I've not been a member of, and that's certainly one of them. 


For some reason my messages are not going out ( did 3 attempts ).

Good post.



Hey Thadood,

Don't know what's up, no good today on 2 tries.


Hello NQC: Yes, I am getting you My Messages just fine, but strange that you have yet to receive my Replies to them. I've asked Chris about that, but he's not heard of it happening before. So, I shall reply here. However, in a nutshell, my Part 15 AM position is that I run with the cards that I am dealt with. Part 15 AM isn't totally great, I agree, but it is something that's license-free, so I run with it, as do others, apparently. Thank you for your $0.02 worth, shared experiences, and questions. I am just sorry that the conversation appears to be only one-way. (Technology... BLAAAAA....)


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