General Category > Huh?

Unclaimed Property tip


Ct Yankee:
May I make a suggestion to all, search your state's unclaimed property list for monies they may be holding for you.

I heard my State Treasurer speak on WTIC 1080 AM about Connecticut's list.  I decided to check my name and there was a small claim for me.  I checked for a son who lived at a residence in California 10 years ago and who now is back east 2 years, there were monies for him.

I would check every state in which you, or estate you were responsible, had an address.  In a search engine type in
(your state) Unclaimed Property then fill out website's search.  In filling out the state's website search, I would use last name and town only.

For example, here is Connecticut's site: (Heck, maybe you can fund that new shack yet.) 🤣


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