Loggings > North American Shortwave Pirate

Damn Skippy 6925 USB 0038 UTC 18 MAY 2024

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0038: music, maybe Hendrix - "Star Spangled Banner"
barely above noise, S6, 15221
0051: still sounds like Hendrix playing, not sure of song name
0054: sporadic digital QRM
0100: can barely tell station is still there; OM singing
0103: thought I heard an SSTV preamble, maybe not; more music
0105: again, thought I heard SSTV start and quickly stop -> repeat of Hendrix with Star Spangled Banner
0108: 25222, more SSTV, too weak to decode very well, but shows "DAMN SKIPPY"

0117: "Setting Sun" - BLP Brian Lucas Project
0122: SSTV; too much QRM from digital station to completely decode, but ...
0123: EOT

Thank you for the show - the music and the SSTV. Wish I could hear it better.

0042 UTC
S 7
METAL GUITAR National anthem

Dr. Strangelove:
S5 here with Hendrix

0044 UTC "Star Spangled Banner"-Jimi Hendrix (Mostly right at the noise floor)
0050 UTC Segued into another Hendrix tune
0055 UTC QRM from the aerosol ute...
0103 UTC Heard a weak SSTV, but app didn't start...too much noise!
0106 UTC "Star Spangled Banner"-JH again (Slightly better signal now)
0110 UTC Easypal pic, followed by a B/W 8 SSTV (Only a partial decode and it was totally unreadable)
0114 UTC Scottie 2 SSTV followed by "Setting Sun"-Brian Lucas Project
0116 UTC The Damn Skippy mystery song  8)

Reception into NE Ohio:

S2-3  SIO 222  SINPO 25222

0045 UTC Star Spangled Banner by Jimi Hendrix



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