Loggings > VHF/UHF Logs, including satellites and radiosondes

EPAR - 31 MHz Band Street Lighting Control / Telemetry Link (France) VHF Low DX


Listening via the G8JNJ SDR receivers.

Polytone data transmissions, sound similar to ROS digital mode.  31 MHz band.

31.325 MHz
31.3875 MHz
31.4375 MHz
31.4625 MHz
31.475 MHz
31.6875 MHz
31.725 MHz
31.925 MHz
31.975 MHz

Seems like there are probably other frequencies in use, but these ones are confirmed via that particular receiver.  I've heard the following locally (in Richmond VA)

31.325 MHz
31.6875 MHz
31.975 MHz

31.6875 MHz comes in fine on 31.685 MHz or 31.69 MHz in NFM mode. 

31.725 MHz, 31.750 MHz and 31.775 MHz are also used for on-site hospital paging in the UK.  31.320 MHz is used for POCSAG paging as well, source is unknown.

Strong EPAR data signals noted on the G8JNJ SDR

31.325 MHz 31,325 kHz 31.3250 MHz FM at 1434 UTC

31.975 MHz 31,975 kHz 31.9750 MHz FM at 1435 UTC


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