Loggings > Other

ruZZian cringe 6218 USB 2212 UTC 25 MAY 2024


Nonstop ruZZian patriotic crappy music played in SSB 🤦🏻

Probably it's the same song played in loop.


These are apparently part of Russian military channel markers (well, a new series of channel markers).  Music (including the Soviet National Anthem, a rock version of the Soviet / Russian National Anthem, various WWII (sorry, I meant The Great Patriotic War) patriotic songs including the famous "Katyusha", sound effects including buzz buzz buzz (think UVB-76 / "The Buzzer" on 4625 kHz), an air raid siren, an alarm, what sounds like a tennis racket or ticking clock or other similar sound, the "pip" and other feeds. 

At various times, the recording loop is cut off and messages are sent.  These signals have been heard by numerous listeners and a large number of them are on YouTube

They've been logged on:

4675 kHz USB
5780 kHz USB
5838 kHz USB
5838.5 kHz USB
6180 kHz USB
6218 kHz USB
6230 kHz USB
6318 kHz USB
6322 kHz USB
6330 kHz USB
6402 kHz USB
6911 kHz USB
6930 kHz USB
7032 kHz USB that's right, more Russians in 40 meters!  7.032 MHz USB 7,032 kHz 7032kHz USB
8001 kHz USB
8514 kHz USB
9001 kHz USB
9041 kHz USB
9310 kHz USB

I'm sure the list above is incomplete.  I'm not including 7050 kHz LSB and 7055 kHz LSB...plus the dozens of other frequencies used by the Russian military.  Yes, 7032 kHz is in USB mode, not LSB mode. 

I can confirm that 6910 kHz USB, 6930 kHz USB, 6218 kHz USB and 6230 kHz USB are active as of 28 May 2024 (listening via a UK based remote SDR receiver). 


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