Loggings > North American Shortwave Pirate

UNID 6925 USB 2257 UTC 26 MAY 2024

(1/2) > >>

Molvania Poacher:

2257- Recording of OM speaking about Dick Bulger. Mentions of arrest record...Running for President...Post support on HFU.
2257- OM singing about "Llama" and "Bulger" over spacey music.
2259- "You Never Give Me Your Money" by The Beatles.
2300- Song ends with record needle screech, and OM saying "Dick Bulger," into..
2300- Song, can't ID.
2300- Different OM speaking about Dick Bulger from Boston and his electric cars (don't buy one), but he can't get his butt out of the Olive Garden.
2301- "Brain" by The Action.
2303- Song ends with record needle screech, and OM saying "Oh yeah!," into..
2303- "Call Box (1-2-3)" by Wall of Voodoo.
2304- Recording an an OM and then a second OM, both talking about Dick Bulger. He lives in a dumpster behind Dunkins. Dishonorably discharged from USCG after four days. Don't listen to his station on SW.
2305- Silent and presumed OTA.

TRI International:
2259 UTC Just tuned in to music playing.
2300 UTC song "Feelin'" then the om speaking about electric cars.
2301 UTC song "Brain"
2303 UTC song "Call Box (1-2-3)"
2305 UTC OTA.

S - 9, thanks for the show pls Qsl and thanks  :D

Ct Yankee:
Excellent reception

2301 "Brain" The Action
2303 "Call Box (1-2-3)" Wall of Voodoo
2305 OM ranting about someone and their SW station....then off

Decent signal at 23:03 utc
Off at 23:04 utc, that was a quick show lol.

Flamin' Groovies:
2255 onwards

Not near radio so listening via SDR - NBC reporting about Dick Bulger
2301:  Elon Musk reporting Dick making electric cars out of beer cans
2302:  "Remember Me(?) song
2304:  "Dick is an alcolholic and lived in a dumpster" 


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