Loggings > North American Shortwave Pirate

77LJS 6930 USB 2333 UTC 26 MAY 2024

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Ct Yankee:
Excellent reception.....hmmmmmmmm......🤔 77LJS?
2333 "Hyperactive!" Thomas Dolby
2336 "Never Gonna Give You Up" Rick Astley
2340 "The Boys of Summer" Don Henley
2343 OM with ID and HFU shout outs, thanks  8)
2344 "Sowing the Seeds of Love" Tears for Fears
2349 Another shoutout to "To France" Mike Oldfield
2358 "29 Palms" Robert Plant
0003 "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic" The Police
0010 "Head Over Heels" Tears for Fears
0021 "Dirty Pool" Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble..........sounds like all the repairs have been completed.   :D
0024 Off

S9+10 with the K1VL KiwiSDR.

2320 UTC-Music

2335 - Signal into my NYC shack is S5. Playing Rick Astley.

Thanks for the show!!

2338z - Music. SIO 333 via Airspy HF+D and 31' vertical. Considerable static crashing.

Thanks for the broadcast! :)

23:35 Solid S-7 with good audio into WNY
23:36 Never going to give you up


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