Loggings > Latin American Pirate

Radio Casa Brazil 7999.716 AM 2352 UTC 11 Jan 2018


Very weak, just a carrier, but I confirmed the exact carrier frequency with someone in Brazil.  There's a whole new world of Latin American pirate stations to explore!

Just the barest trace of a carrier here fading up out of the noise while listening from 0018-0025 UTC. This might require some really good southerly enhanced conditions!

Or something as simple as a Beverage antenna on the ground,(BOG), Skip. In my transmitting in the woods days I used BOG's to dx various PW HF stations in Africa and S. America, along w/ Europirates. It seems like a natural for anyone looking for a quick and directional way to chase these stations. You can make it as long as you've got room for.

I used about 150 ft. of wire for my BOG's which did well down to about the top of the 90 meter band. They're dead simple to set up and use. If you don't want to leave it out, you can roll it up and take it in. If you use 18 gauge wire it will be smaller than a softball rolled up.

With pirates you never know exactly where they are. My advice if you're in N. America is to aim towards the tip of Tierra del Fuego and hope for the best. (TdF is Penguin country in case someone is reading.)

Pigmeat...interestingly enough, back in 1982/83 just before I moved out of my parents house, I used such a setup unknowingly. I ran about 300 feet or so of 14 gauge speaker wire and tied them off at the ends, running the antenna out the cellar window across the back of the property and down the hill towards the brook. I wrapped the other end in several layers of electrical tape and let it go at that. My receiver was a venerable old FRG-7, and I had some phenomenal results including a couple of those Papua regionals and a number of Peruvians. It also worked well on the old AM pirate band just above 1600 khz! Those were memorable days of WHOT, Pirate Radio New England, KPRC, and a couple of others. It seemed to work well on pretty much any band and the only problem was some daytime receiver overload from one of the local AM stations. I suppose I could try this setup again, as both parents are deceased and I took out a mortgage on that same house a number of years back. My greatest fear is that I'll run over the wire while mowing the lawn..... ;)

Daniel Wyllyans:
Great DXing congrulations :)


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