Loggings > TV DX Loggings

I miss analog TV!

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mr. mike:
I used to get three LA TV stations in the 1980s, but that was only 200+ miles away. I miss Tom Hatten running Popeye cartoons on Saturday mornings and some Hollywood flick at 1pm on KTLA, much as I miss the sleazy charm of Bill Balence's AM radio call in show.

I miss Captain Chesapeake here in Baltimore. And Count Gore de Vol hosting Creature Feature. Interesting television is long gone, I'm afraid.


--- Quote from: ETM71 on January 05, 2013, 2232 UTC ---I miss Captain Chesapeake here in Baltimore. And Count Gore de Vol hosting Creature Feature. Interesting television is long gone, I'm afraid.

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TV Pow!

Used to love to do TV DX back over the past 20 years or so. Now its hard enough to get decent signals from the local TV stations whose towers are only about 25 to 30 miles away without losing some of the signal. I recently moved to the semi country from an old inner ring suburb of my local 1 million population city. At that place, I would get about 30 channels but now its down to about 15. I remember getting DX TV from nearly 1000 miles away down in Dallas TX during the late 80s on occasion. It was often that I would pick up the relatively nearby stations of 100 to 150 miles just about every morning and sometimes even. Or even picking up FM stations from Florida in the Midwest. Now they've pretty much messed up the spectrum with Digital TV in addition I know people in this area who live in hilly areas that can pretty much forget about getting the local channels unless they subscribe to one of the cable networks or one of the satellite providers. Frankly it stinks.

At least we're closer to getting rid of that monstrosity called IBOC as many stations have abandoned it. Its about like the HD Radio craze that hit about oh what was it 2004 to 2007. Now you hardly hear about it. At least I can still do some AM DX and listen to the 50kw flamethrowers on AM. Really cool when you can pick up overseas AM from here in the Midwest. Anyway, new to the group here but been listening to AM, SW, HF for about 25 years or so.

mr. mike:

--- Quote from: mrsmiley on January 08, 2013, 0117 UTC ---Used to love to do TV DX back over the past 20 years or so. Now its hard enough to get decent signals from the local TV stations whose towers are only about 25 to 30 miles away without losing some of the signal. I recently moved to the semi country from an old inner ring suburb of my local 1 million population city. At that place, I would get about 30 channels but now its down to about 15. I remember getting DX TV from nearly 1000 miles away down in Dallas TX during the late 80s on occasion....

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I second your idea; while I like some of the digital subchannels, there was something extremely cool in picking up a station in another town. I didn't mind that the TV would sometimes turn into a radio (or you would see a picture but hear no sound.) I was too much of a dumbass as a kid to ask my father to buy a signal booster (antenna amp); we could've gotten stuff from Las Vegas or Mexico City if the spectrum were willing.

Digital TV sucks because it can't take any bottoming-out of the signal. I have to use a signal booster to get in the locals now.


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