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4096 beacon goes wild soon :)

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Looks great and good luck.  Спасибо!


I roll in the forest today between 13.00 and 19.10, trying to find thick pine with a clearing on the south, for lighting solar battery.
But lost in this game. Also in ths road a lot of people. I know one more appropriate place, tomorrow i will go there.
Now i charging acid of beacon from PSU.
I translate comments in beacon sketch to english, and download sketch to pastebin

Some photos "Meanwhile in the forest"

A sign at the site of a village destroyed in ww2, there are 10 of them within a radius of 15 kilometers

Some roads really ancient. 17хх year

Device installed
Aaaand... i cannot hear it with my 8 meters random wire. But with ATS-20 and 20cm telescope i can hear it in the forest, 500m far from my home.
Antenna not tuned, i think i should made block with 2 stretchable tuning coils and install it between device and antenna.

I little bit obsessed with beacons :)
Two of them intalled here,31.3976757,1917m/data=!3m1!1e3
Also i rework charging scheme, now if battery shorted or discharged scheme can't drop voltage and reset the controller
Hmm, i can't insert image from my home server, so i insert the links.
Here i receive beacon with ATS-20

Looks like previous beacon is dead. I never heard it at home, his antenna was badly tuned, and looks like his solar panel see sun only half a day. So i made a new one. With L-network for working with endfed wire. Software much smarter. Attiny85 control everything. Masure voltages, if accumulator voltage lower than critical he try charge battery with 8% PWM to prevent reset controller when solar battery shorted by deep discharged accumulator. Also with telemetry after main message he transmit  not very important information about beacon, six phrases, for example tranmitter power with one message, accumulator type with next message, in cycle. Antenna - 0.5 mm stainless wire.
And most important... i can hear it at home, on my WEBSDЯ, very weak, but better than nothing.
His marker - three dits with different length. 0.075, 0.1 and 0.15 secondswith pauses between dits 0.05 sec, marker period 3 sec. Transmission every 6 min.,mod=usb,secondary_mod=cwdecoder,sql=-150
later i try to tweak antenna performance.


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