HFU HF Underground

General Category => General Radio Discussion => Topic started by: Matt_B on September 26, 2017, 1012 UTC

Title: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Matt_B on September 26, 2017, 1012 UTC
Just a quick question....who is this "preacher teacher", as I like to call him, that I hear all the time? In my research, I have found that he seems to go by the name "Brother Stair"...he's on a ton of different frequencies.  It seems that he's got a rather crummy reputation....could actually be running a religious cult.  So what the heck is he doing on the air? I'm all for free speech, but this freak pollutes the airwaves, IMHO.  :-O
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: redhat on September 26, 2017, 1142 UTC
It's a free country, and shortwave stations are struggling to stay afloat.  He buys airtime on these stations.

Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: TheRelayStation on September 26, 2017, 1610 UTC
he is for the most part, on American shortwave stations.
many use his religious "cult" shows as a signal beacon of reference for determining band conditions for shortwave DX'ing.
i am curious what will happen to his compound, followers and any/all assets he has once he passes on.
will someone else take over the "helm" ?

Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: MDK2 on September 26, 2017, 2344 UTC
So what the heck is he doing on the air? I'm all for free speech, but this freak pollutes the airwaves, IMHO.

I agree, but I also feel as RedHat does. He may well be what's keeping WRMI, WBCQ, and some of the other private American broadcasters going - at least he's contributing. It's a mixed blessing as they say. Those two stations have the most interesting programming to offer IMO, although sometimes Ted on WTWW or the classic radio plays on WWCR are fun. I'm just hoping that the slowly growing interest in SWLing that I perceive (and am indeed a part of - two years ago, shortwave was the last thing on my mind) leads to more diverse programming as well as customers buying air time, because Stair is old, and his style of doomsday preaching doesn't really have the same staying power. THE END IS NIGH just doesn't have the same urgency when the man saying it has been dead for a while, citing events that are years old as signs of the impending apocalypse. I mention that because some people mention the long-deceased Pastor Scott's continued presence on the HF bands as evidence that Stair could conceivably go on after he's "called home," but I don't think it's plausible. And of course, free speech most importantly means the speech you hate hearing - a pertinent point in these controversial times.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: BoomboxDX on September 27, 2017, 0429 UTC
To put it bluntly, if that "freak" wasn't "polluting the airwaves", the airwaves would be more silent and you'd hear nothing but Radio Havana in Spanish (and sometimes in English) and maybe Gene/Melissa Scott. Shortwave is struggling, and religion is keeping much of it afloat, not only here in the US, but in other parts of the world as well -- Trans World Radio (that serves Africa and Asia) is an example.

The days of the national SW broadcasters -- aside from Cuba and China -- are coming to an end.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Fansome on September 27, 2017, 0534 UTC
I met your children.
What did you tell them?
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Zoidberg on September 28, 2017, 0000 UTC
You missed the Gilded Age of lunatic fringe shortwave radio, Matt. The 1980s-early 2000s were a nonstop turdfest of religious and radical fringe radio.

Brother Scare is the last of his kind. He's actually pretty harmless compared with some of his ilk. The next closest thing to Bro Scare was Brother Sominex, Harold Camping, longtime Family Radio broadcaster. Brother Sominex died in 2013 after a couple of failed end times predictions, which he admitted was a mistake. Camping was actually entertaining in a low key way. Good bedtime listening. Brother Scare's frantic delivery wears thin pretty quickly.

But those fellows mostly emphasized good ol' hellfire and damnation gospel, not paranoid conspiracy theories, anti-government or race baiting stuff. WWCR, WRMI, WBCQ and others were febrile outlets for fringe radio programmers. Good fun before we realized they were serious.

Also gone are Peter J. Peters (presumably died of excessive bile), Hal Tuner (imprisoned for chronic jerkitude), Bill Cooper (lost a gunfight with cops), Chuck Harder,  and many others who died or simply faded away. Actually, I shouldn't lump Cooper  into that clot. Cooper was brilliant at true dialectics, the synthesis of seemingly disparate and apparently unrelated issues and weaving fascinating stories. Worth a listen -- you can find his old Hour of the Time broadcasts online. I never missed a show back in the day.

Anyway, the lunatic fringe message didn't fade out. It just went mainstream and found a more vigorous and cost effective home on the internuts.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: redhat on September 28, 2017, 0143 UTC
Lunatic fringe
I know you're out there
You're in hiding
And you hold your meetings
I can hear you coming
I know what you're after
We're wise to you this time (wise to you this time)
We won't let you kill the laughter....

Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Pigmeat on September 28, 2017, 0757 UTC
Peter J. Peters. Was there any group/ethnicity/religion he didn't go out of his way to insult in his time? Every time I hear Mr. Garrison do the "Merry F***in' Christmas" song from "South Park" I think of him. I always imagined him looking that way, too.

Was it Art Bell or Al Weiner that was on the phone with Cooper when he put it down and went out the door to his doom? It's been so long ago I can't remember?

Melissa Scott ought to go back to her first career. A lot of those early 90's porn starlets are cashing in on the MILF craze. It would be nice to see her making an honest living again.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Josh on September 28, 2017, 1807 UTC
You can still hear Bill Hicks on the disinfowars network every day on sw.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Zoidberg on September 28, 2017, 2048 UTC
"Disinfo wars"! Heh. I'd forgotten about Alex Jones. He used to be entertaining about 10 years ago. But he's jumped the shark, curb stomped the shark, chopped up the shark, mixed that shark with street grade PCP, distilled that shark/PCP and drinks it for breakfast. Bill Cooper accurately pegged Jones as a hysterical disinformation fabulist and carnival sideshow operator almost 20 years ago.

I'm trying to remember the name of another fellow cut from the Peter J. Peters cloth. Similar programming, but with short 5-10 minute segments, calmly laying out his theories about the CIA, Illuminati and gummint being behind pop culture icons like Leonard Bernstein and Erica Jong whose goal was to undermine America. That fellow was about one click away from Jack D. Ripper rants about precious bodily fluids.

Ah, those were good times when the fringe was still fringey on shortwave and not mainstream running the party boat toward the shoals.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Looking-Glass on September 28, 2017, 2314 UTC
Matt_B: While I too might not like his style of rhetoric good old Brother Stair provides me with the lower band propagation indicator preceding the early evening Grey Line path here in east coast Australia.

As others mentioned, at least he is keeping some stations on air and also yes, there is freedom of speech.  Just like TV, if you don't like the programme "tune out".

I tune for awhile to hear what he's saying...I imagine him at the pulpit, eyes popping out, brow furrowed, veins bulging on his neck with hands wildly gesturing whilst spittle emanates from his mouth as he reaches fever pitch. ;D

Take away the "mega stations" spewing propaganda out of Asia (China etc) and there is actually little left on the SW bands these days.

Fansome:  "Video killed the radio star..." :o
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Pigmeat on September 29, 2017, 0141 UTC
"Disinfo wars"! Heh. I'd forgotten about Alex Jones. He used to be entertaining about 10 years ago. But he's jumped the shark, curb stomped the shark, chopped up the shark, mixed that shark with street grade PCP, distilled that shark/PCP and drinks it for breakfast. Bill Cooper accurately pegged Jones as a hysterical disinformation fabulist and carnival sideshow operator almost 20 years ago

When Jones and his lawyer had to admit in court in testimony over the "Hillary Supporters Sacrifice Babies In A Pizzeria Basement" case, a rumor that Alex started and an idiot armed to the teeth believed, that Alex makes his content up out of thin air, it made my year.

Looking-Glass, the most impressive thing about Ralph Stair is his beard. Charlton Heston would have killed to have had it in his role as Moses in "The Bible" instead of that cheap wool and cotton thing they glued to his face.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Looking-Glass on September 29, 2017, 0311 UTC
Pigmeat:  I Googled the famous Brother Stair and my, what a colourful character he is, and the beard would put Santa Claus to shame. 

I also read about his "commune" of followers and there was pictures of his radio studio and also him preaching from a pulpit.  Fascinating... 8)

In his prime he was broadcasting on many radio stations across the USA and on shortwave, he has been called everything under the sun but still soldiers on, very interesting career.

Harks back to the old days of Jim Jones and the Guyana cult/sect, but I don't think Jim was on radio.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Josh on September 29, 2017, 1622 UTC
Lol poor Bill Hicks and pizzagates.

There was also that pirate patriot radio guy who eventually got wacked.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Chanter on October 01, 2017, 0147 UTC
You'd think, with all the money the Catholic-hating Brother Scare (I won't directly quote what he's called Catholics, because it's vile, but it involves the word whore and a reference to Mary) pours into getting his rants onto SW and MW stations - KAAY was airing his sandpaper-throated self the other night, eew, he'd be able to buy himself some new teeth!  Evidently not. 

I'd be willing to chip in to air something on a station like WBCQ, be it old radio shows or classical music or... something, if I could bump some of the fringe religious idiocy off the schedule by doing so.  I actually called that station after hearing a violent rant from a program called The Herald of Truth, which was naming no names, so was evidently not classed as hate speech worthy of pulling off the air (I asked outright) but advocating violent race-based revolution just the same.  WTF?  So much for peace, love, and understanding, or at least a few scruples, in the face of the almighty buck there, BCQ. 

Alex Jones sounds like a constipated Satan.  Markokpik has heard me say this RL! 
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Mr.ArchVile on October 17, 2017, 2119 UTC
Here's my take on Brother Stair and who is representative of....

Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: BoomboxDX on October 25, 2017, 1123 UTC
One thing to bear in mind is that these religious organizations that use SW stations in the US probably lower the rates for the non-religious people who broadcast over the same stations.

In a weird way, people like Brother Stair (or his similar counterparts) keep the rates down for those programs that aren't so extreme, and other programs that are more entertainment oriented (I have heard of a couple of them, although I haven't heard them personally -- except for the foreign broadcasters that thankfully use WRMI).

Religious organisations tend to pay whatever rate a station charges -- that is how they feel about getting their 'message' out.

If it weren't for religious organisations, the stations would undoubtedly go off the air.

Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: ChrisSmolinski on October 25, 2017, 1143 UTC
If it weren't for religious organisations, the stations would undoubtedly go off the air.

I suspect this is certainly the case. Brother Stair accounts for a lot of the billable hours for many of these SWBC stations. If his latest escapades put him in the slammer, they could have a serious cash flow issue. WRMI/etc have to be a little nervous right now.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Traveling Wave on October 25, 2017, 1614 UTC
I never realized, until last night, after I checked the Overcomer broadcast schedule, that he is on twenty medium wave AM stations. He is on 7 days a week, mostly very early morning hours covering eastern, central, mountain and pacific times. I found one article at the Cult Education Institute, dated 2002, that mentioned he had a $150,000 a month broadcast cost. I guess end-timers keep pressing the paypal donate button at his web site to keep him on the air.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Pigmeat on October 25, 2017, 1937 UTC
A Ministry beats a Church for fleecing the flock by a long shot. With a church you're stuck fleecing the locals that live around there, an exhaustible resource. With a Ministry you go on the road and on the air always encountering new prospects. Stick "Deacon" or "Bishop" in front of your name and your on the Royal Road to Riches. Ralph beat us to the punch with "Prophet".

The Big Leaguer's work old folks with lots of money and property. Getting them to sign the whole shebang over to your operation, including the life insurance, is the goal.

I'm selling "prayer cloths" at 50 bucks a pop. They may look like my cut-up old drawers, but I assure you those are St. Peter's skid marks. God bless you.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: MDK2 on October 25, 2017, 2038 UTC
I'm selling "prayer cloths" at 50 bucks a pop. They may look like my cut-up old drawers, but I assure you those are St. Peter's skid marks. God bless you.

Say they were what he was wearing when he was martyred and you can get a lot more.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Looking-Glass on November 10, 2017, 2226 UTC
Bought a new TV a few weeks back and done the usual "channel scan" and found a couple of new digital channels, now I find we have "SBN" Sonlife Broadcasting Network from Baton Rouge in the USA running religious content 24 hours into Australia.

Been watching "Brother Swaggart" working the crowds, very lavish setting so not short of a few dollars, thought old Jimmy was dead but he is still going strong.  I remember his "scandal" back in 1989 I think, when he was sprung with a hooker.

His son Donnie and grandson Gabriel also spreading the "word" as well as old Jimmy's wife Florence.  Family concern and was amazed at the size of their headquarters at Baton Rouge. The Family Worship Centre holds an astonishing 7,000 people and there wasn't an empty seat to be seen as old Jimmy worked the floor.

Old Jimmy has come a long way from preaching standing in the back of a pick up truck in small country towns and drafty little church halls, it's a global empire now.

Wonder where Brother Stair missed out on the rivers of gold? It's a wonder that Swaggart isn't on the shortwave bands like Brother Stair.

I gather that religious concerns do not attract state and federal taxes in the USA as they enjoy tax free status here in Australia... 8)

Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Matt_B on November 11, 2017, 0418 UTC
Been watching "Brother Swaggart" working the crowds, very lavish setting so not short of a few dollars, thought old Jimmy was dead but he is still going strong.  I remember his "scandal" back in 1989 I think, when he was sprung with a hooker.

I believe that's Jimmy's son that you're watching....don't know his name.  Yeah, SBN is on TV here, too.  :-/
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Looking-Glass on November 11, 2017, 1103 UTC
Jimmy's son is Donnie, and grandson is Gabriel, been watching Jimmy, old geezer with white hair in his late 70's or 80's, certainly knows how to work the floor and pack 'em in!

One can get an autographed bible from Jimmy for $1,000 donation plus free CD of Jimmy's greatest hits...I have missed my calling! ::)

Wonder they are not all over shortwave, just AM and FM in the USA.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Pigmeat on November 11, 2017, 1413 UTC
When I first started pirating I bought a robust old battery powered Sony cassette recorder to use in the field. Mic and line levels in and a line level output, I'd found at a yard sale. In it was an hour and a half of Jimmy at his best. I'd get bored and throw it on from time to time and wait for the online and written reports of the thing to show up on the sites and dx mags of the time. It was a lot of fun and let me know the parameters and range of my tx before I got more serious about what I was doing.

When Jimmy was in his prime, he could get on the "good foot", hopping across one hundred plus feet of stage literally thumping his open Bible, condemning sinners to Hell and pointing them out in route. It was something to see.

I was working weekends as a doorman/bartender in the early 80's. The bars didn't close until 3:30 A.M. and with clean up, bs'ing and stopping to get something to eat, I wouldn't get home until after daylight. I'd roll up a joint and switch to the religious channel to get my morning fix of TV preachers before I went to bed. Jimmy Swaggart followed by the great Ernest Angley, a man whose toupee' always faced the camera  regardless of which way he turned his head. You couldn't beat that combo with a stick.

As much as I enjoyed Jimmy and Dr. Gene Scott, neither held a candle to Ernest in those days. "Say bay-bee!"
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Looking-Glass on November 12, 2017, 0943 UTC
Another smooth operator working the floors paved with gold is Benny Hinn, he used to be on Channel-10 here in Australia in the early hours of the morning when most decent folk are holed up in bed.

Expensive suits, dripping with gold and not a hair out of place Benny, teeth to rival the best alligator grin, like Jimmy Swaggart, he sure knew how to pile 'em in and work the floor, like old Jimmy, Benny sprouted world wide ministries and the various "crusades". Haven't seen dear Benny on TV for quite some time.

Just amazed at the Swaggart show, on 113 acres at Baton Rouge in the USA, sure is some spread.  Another devious pair was Jimmy and Tammy Faye Baker in years past, also out of the USA, they seemed to have vanished from the scene of religious fervour, maybe Jimmy "bought" them out in a corporate merger? ;D
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: BoomboxDX on November 12, 2017, 1255 UTC
Jim Bakker was busted for something and went to prison. He had a prison ministry there.

RE: Benny Hinn: I know some people who are acquainted with his ministry, and I went with them to attend a Hinn appearance here a few years ago.

The lowlight of the evening, you could say, was when he led the assembly to curse themselves with death if they didn't support his ministry efforts. I was -- needless to say -- thoroughly appalled.

Religion has its place in America, but -- like politics -- too often it is used as a means of gain for some people.

RE: Shortwave: a lot of the ministries ignore shortwave because they have TV and satellite. Brother Stair's teachings are probably odd enough that the mainstream Christian networks won't carry him, so he uses MW and SW.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Pigmeat on November 12, 2017, 1700 UTC
RE: Shortwave: a lot of the ministries ignore shortwave because they have TV and satellite. Brother Stair's teachings are probably odd enough that the mainstream Christian networks won't carry him, so he uses MW and SW.

You nailed it, Boombox.

I wandered away from listening to shortwave for about a decade starting in the early 80's. When I came back to it one of my first thoughts was, "So this is where preachers too crazy for regular TV and radio go."

Not to say they weren't out there before, but with dereg of the major broadcast bands and syndicated talk radio dominating MW, the preachers got pushed off the air in most markets. I remember a firebreather who called himself "The Georgia Prophet" in the 70's and 80's. I used to love to listen to his wild rants in the middle of the night.

I'm from a region of the upper South where people went to church as much for entertainment as enlightenment because it was free and there wasn't much else to do. A pew leaping, talking in tongues, faith healing, Pentecostal preacher was a big draw. If he brought poisonous snakes and strychnine water for the flock to handle and quaff, you might want to give it a pass. There's a difference between being entertaining and being plain crazy.

Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: ChrisSmolinski on November 12, 2017, 1713 UTC
I'm from a region of the upper South where people went to church as much for entertainment as enlightenment because it was free and there wasn't much else to do. A pew leaping, talking in tongues, faith healing, Pentecostal preacher was a big draw. If he brought poisonous snakes and strychnine water for the flock to handle and quaff, you might want to give it a pass. There's a difference between being entertaining and being plain crazy.

I found "Snake Salvation" series on National Geographic interesting. Although the one preacher dying from a snakebite kinda put the kibosh on a second season. And to think the whole snake handling thing is due to a forged ending to the Gospel of Mark. 

On a slightly more sane vein, National Geo now has the "Snake City" series, about a South African guy and his GF who go around catching poisonous snakes that have entered peoples' homes and property.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: skeezix on November 12, 2017, 1755 UTC
Couple of years ago, I was tuning around SW and finding Brother Stair & not much else on at the time. Switched to MW and tuned around the band. Got to the 1500's (something that was not 1500, 1530, 1570) and there he was. First time I heard him on MW and at first I wanted to believe it was bizarre mixing from SW, but I knew it wasn't. The station ID'd and I checked their sked and sure enough, there he was. Went back and found him on SW and it was the same program, just a few seconds off.

I do not like what he says and I don't listen to him. I listen to WRMI on 9395 kHz a lot for the music, but at 1900 US/Eastern, I switch to 9455 kHz or go somewhere else. I don't check back on 9395 until after 2000 US/Eastern.  (I use US/Eastern as his sked is aligned with DST in the US, and WRMI is in US/Eastern. Otherwise 2300 UTC during the US DST and 0000 UTC during US standard time).

And as BoomBoxDX said earlier, he is helping to pay the bills of the SW stations.

With the numerous stations he's on at the same time, can use those for helping to show the propagation conditions. With an SDR, don't need to constantly listen to him, just enough to ID the station, then hit mute and watch the waterfall for conditions.

Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Pigmeat on November 12, 2017, 1827 UTC
I hear him on 1510 kHz. at times. I want to say the station is in N. KY. but I'm not 100% sure. I do hear University of Louisville games in that area sometimes.

Those snake handling preachers and their followers refuse medical treatment, they rely on faith. There's always been a suspicion in the region where those churches are the thickest, that knot of the Cumberlands and Appalachians where KY./VA./WV./N.C./ and TN. come together that some churches "milk" the snakes before services? They used to say that about the strychnine water before it was subjected to lab tests and proven to be the genuine article and generally strong enough to do some damage. There's speculation that the followers don't feel the effects due to years of building up a tolerance to the stuff.

They've been around here since the sect was founded. Most are just everyday Pentecostals with a twist. They don't want to be bothered or made a spectacle of and we tend to respect that. What they do among themselves  is their own business.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Josh on November 12, 2017, 2015 UTC
Git yew sum snake hanlin religy!
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: ka1iic on November 17, 2017, 1517 UTC
The latest Glenn H broadcast says that Bro. Stair has not booked any shortwave time for 2018...  we shall see...  perhaps to 'scare' his listeners to send more money???

Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: MDK2 on November 17, 2017, 1609 UTC
The latest Glenn H broadcast says that Bro. Stair has not booked any shortwave time for 2018...  we shall see...  perhaps to 'scare' his listeners to send more money???

I've seen people in shortwave groups on Facebook report that he's said as much on his most recent broadcasts. I think he should have pulled the ol' Oral Roberts "God's gonna call me home" maneuver, but perhaps most of his audience is old enough to remember that scam.

I'm tempted to think his most recent legal troubles are behind this pitch, but it is a fact that his booked airtime at WRMI was already slashed earlier this year, around the time a17 took effect. So maybe he really is running low on cash.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Pigmeat on November 17, 2017, 1947 UTC
The latest Glenn H broadcast says that Bro. Stair has not booked any shortwave time for 2018...  we shall see...  perhaps to 'scare' his listeners to send more money???

I've seen people in shortwave groups on Facebook report that he's said as much on his most recent broadcasts. I think he should have pulled the ol' Oral Roberts "God's gonna call me home" maneuver, but perhaps most of his audience is old enough to remember that scam.

I'm tempted to think his most recent legal troubles are behind this pitch, but it is a fact that his booked airtime at WRMI was already slashed earlier this year, around the time a17 took effect. So maybe he really is running low on cash.

Yeah, but Oral claimed to be able to raise the dead and sent that 900 ft. Jesuszilla stomping through Tulsa in broad daylight to set his plays up. I'm still perplexed how the only person to see that giant Jesus was Oral? Tulsa is a decent sized city, surely someone else would have seen it?
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Looking-Glass on November 18, 2017, 2131 UTC
Oral Roberts, another blast from the past, is good old Oral still alive? 

Jimmy Swaggart still going strong and must be in his 80's. 

Tuned into SBN yesterday and they were giving a tour of the Ministry at Baton Rouge, the radio studio was very high tech and said they broadcast on around 70 stations AM and FM across the USA from their "Broadcast Centre" in Baton Rouge through Sonlife Broadcasting Network.

They went on to promote SBN via satellite on TV around the world, more high tech equipment and well appointed TV studio.

Rivers of gold running through SBN, and always a request for donations as "SBN is operated entirely from donations" was the quote.  Jimmy's son Donnie Swaggart has the gift of a used car salesman from California, always plugging some JSM products and the catch phrase "we need you to get to the phones now..."

Sorry Donnie, I am too lazy to get to the phone old buddy... 8)
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: BoomboxDX on November 19, 2017, 0029 UTC
The only SW preacher I actually listened to was Gene Scott -- that is, when he wasn't yelling at his congregation to send more money.

Some of his religious commentaries were fairly interesting: it was obvious that he was an educated man.

As for Brother Stair, I find it curious when some preachers declare themselves "THE" End Time prophet. There was another guy I heard on the AM band in the 1990's, a different guy, who was claiming the same exact thing: that he was "THE" End Time prophet.

I always thought it would be cool to put both of them in a small room, ask them "which one of you is THE end time prophet", and see what happens.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Josh on November 19, 2017, 1837 UTC
Profits rather than prophets.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: ka1iic on November 23, 2017, 1926 UTC
Poor old Bro. Stair... some folks think he is an idiot but we must remember the person(s) that is paying the bills..  it sure isn't bro. Stair...  End Time??? The Bible says that no one will know when that time will come so I guess claiming to be 'the end time' anything must be a lie... IMHO

But I digress...

So what if the commercial US Shortwave stations will take a hit?  It's up to them to sell themselves... It's called promotion and anyone in the media has to deal with it.  I know a few folks that work at US stations and if I were boss I'd let them go on the air (if I could keep them sober and/or off the weed for an hour or two)...  Do a PBS gig...  beg for money from the listeners...  and I mean really beg.  If that doesn't work... close up shop and get a new hobby, may I suggest stamp collecting ???

As for off the wall hate types, no one can hold a candle to the original WINB at Redlion Tenn.  They called themselves "America's Friendly Voice'...  others called them something else...

And then there is a 'church' based in Italy that has 3 or 4 of their branch churches in that same Country that claim to have Jesus' foreskin...  Man Oh man that must be some large foreskin...  But no comment from the man with the funny hat.  Think about it... holy foreskin!  sick don't you think?  But people still give them money...  :-X

I doubt like hell that Bro. Stair is making a lot of money at all on the shortwave stations, he might be making 50% of what he paid out for broadcast time but that's it.  The shortwave stations are sort of 'a badge of honor' to his cult followers...  Why? Well shortwave is world wide don't you know...  With propagation of late I suspect it is a little less than 'worldwide' and who the hell would listen to him in the first place?  Dead air is more entertaining...

put this down as rant # something something something or other


Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Looking-Glass on November 25, 2017, 2156 UTC
What ever happened to Billy Graham, another preacher/evangelist who could really pull a crowd and work the floor?

Maybe good old Billy passed on to that Ministry/pulpit in the sky? ;)

Billy was big on radio and TV here in Australia many years back.  Over the years we have had some big time preachers on the radio...

Brother Stair
Benny Hinn
Oral Roberts
Billy Graham
Jimmy & Tammy-Faye Baker
Gene Scott
Jimmy Swaggart & Family

All of the above have done well from the gullible who have helped pave the Rivers Of Gold for that lot listed above...

I missed my calling... 8)
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: ka1iic on December 08, 2017, 1801 UTC
Oral (sex) roberts...

yeah right... they are all scam artist and nothing more... anyone that thinks other wise is an idiot...
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: John Poet on December 10, 2017, 0659 UTC
Be sure to get one of the new "Brother Stair: I'll See You In HELL!" pennants!

Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Looking-Glass on December 19, 2017, 0650 UTC
I heard somewhere this week that Brother Stair was arrested in his Overcomer Ministry compound this week in relation to sexual abuse chargers against some of his women followers? 8)
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Strange Beacons on December 19, 2017, 1622 UTC
I heard somewhere this week that Brother Stair was arrested in his Overcomer Ministry compound this week in relation to sexual abuse chargers against some of his women followers? 8)

Yep (https://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,39338.msg145943.html#msg145943).
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Looking-Glass on December 26, 2017, 2203 UTC
I heard Brother Stair in full throttle and gusto at 1850z on 5.900MHz with a whopping 25dB over nine signal, turns out he was being broadcasted through a station in Bulgaria.  Maybe live from his prison cell in the States?

100Kw from Kostinbrod, in Bulgaria, way to go eh? :D

Had a look at Jimmy Swaggart's big Christmas Day broadcast on SBN-TV and no expense spared, very glitzy, and the whole family involved plus the usual Christmas Day adverts flogging Swaggart Ministries merchandise.

I wonder, with all that money and assets does Swaggart's ministry support charitable issues in the USA like cancer clinics, drug & alcohol clinics and the homeless?

The "Rivers of Gold" were certainly flowing with Jimmy on Christmas Day 2017... 8)
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Josh on December 27, 2017, 1908 UTC
I dunno about Jimmy giving to a hospital or whatever, but there are christian hospitals all over the world, funded and operated by christians. Odd how there aren't any atheist/socialist hospitals funded out of the love of fellow man, redistributing the wealth, ad nauseam. I take that back there are many government hospitals, but they're funded by theft.... I mean socialism, ie taxation.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: Looking-Glass on December 27, 2017, 2210 UTC
Seventh Day Adventist have hospitals around Australia but you pay "private hospital" rates for care. treatment and surgery etc, which is more expensive that the public system where "wait listing" is common. Catholics have same too in Australia.

As for Jimmy Swaggart Ministries in Baton Rouge?

I have seen government funded hospitals and clinics in India and Pakistan...thanks but no thanks.

Jimmy has a "Bible College & Learning Centre" open to the public, but I think you have to pay to do the courses.

As for Brother Stair, his broadcasts will go on, even while he is locked up, there must be hundreds of recorded shows that will play on forever...how refreshing eh? 8)
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: MDK2 on December 28, 2017, 0010 UTC
As for Brother Stair, his broadcasts will go on, even while he is locked up, there must be hundreds of recorded shows that will play on forever...how refreshing eh? 8)

As I tell folks, his brand of preaching has to stay current to be effective. I imagine his warnings about Y2K had some power in 1999, but nobody would give it two seconds of their time if they rerun that. Ultimately, it's the same with anything else. The current events will change, and in a few months ranting how the US moving their Israeli embassy to Jerusalem was foretold in Revelation will seem about as quaint as Y2K.

That said, his legal troubles and their specific nature seems to have taken care of it for good. I think WBCQ is the only one still giving him air time, but that's per reports I've seen elsewhere online, not what I've had the displeasure of hearing for myself. So, taped shows or live, stale topics or up to the minute, we won't hear it if stations won't transmit it. He'll have to try his luck streaming online.
Title: Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
Post by: BoomboxDX on December 29, 2017, 0548 UTC
As for Brother Stair, his broadcasts will go on, even while he is locked up, there must be hundreds of recorded shows that will play on forever...how refreshing eh? 8)

As I tell folks, his brand of preaching has to stay current to be effective. I imagine his warnings about Y2K had some power in 1999, but nobody would give it two seconds of their time if they rerun that. Ultimately, it's the same with anything else. The current events will change, and in a few months ranting how the US moving their Israeli embassy to Jerusalem was foretold in Revelation will seem about as quaint as Y2K.

That said, his legal troubles and their specific nature seems to have taken care of it for good. I think WBCQ is the only one still giving him air time, but that's per reports I've seen elsewhere online, not what I've had the displeasure of hearing for myself. So, taped shows or live, stale topics or up to the minute, we won't hear it if stations won't transmit it. He'll have to try his luck streaming online.

True, unlike some of the other fringe and wacko preachers (like the late Pete Peters, whose sermons I heard on air as recently as six months ago at least), Stair's claims to be a prophet make his sermons more time-stamped. It's not like he was a preacher per se, where you could re-run sermons like Gene Scott's.

The biggest issue for Stair's continued broadcasts may be funding. I can imagine that a lot of Stair's non-communal based funding will begin to fade.