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General Category => General Radio Discussion => Topic started by: redhat on January 08, 2016, 1027 UTC

Title: Aircheck hosting...anyone have any ideas?
Post by: redhat on January 08, 2016, 1027 UTC
I got the website fired up again thinking I would put some airchecks up there for people to download.  Turns out there is a limitation on file size, even though the hosting is unlimited bandwidth.

Someone mentioned using torrents for distribution, but then you need a seedbox somewhere which is more money (this thing doesn't create income, BTW).

I really don't want to run a webserver at the house for obvious reasons, but does anyone else have any suggestions.  Free is always nice, but I live in the real world too ;)

Title: Re: Aircheck hosting...anyone have any ideas?
Post by: Oliver on January 08, 2016, 1116 UTC
is the undstanding correct that your current host provider has a file download limit for the website?

Title: Re: Aircheck hosting...anyone have any ideas?
Post by: ChrisSmolinski on January 08, 2016, 1306 UTC
Would archive.org work for your purposes?
Title: Re: Aircheck hosting...anyone have any ideas?
Post by: redhat on January 08, 2016, 1824 UTC
There is some clause in the  web hosting TOS that prohibits web accounts from being used as a 'file repository' hence why it runs great for 30 seconds then times out.  FLAC aircheck run about 1.3 GB, MP3 ones around 300 MB.  I don't really know much about archive .org, outside of some recordings of us out there.  When putting something like this out there, the joys of copyright and fair use often get slung around.

Title: Re: Aircheck hosting...anyone have any ideas?
Post by: John Poet on January 08, 2016, 2130 UTC
Google Drive gives you 15 gigabytes file storage, free.  You can create download links to what you have stored in your account, for private sharing or public posting.  Haven't seen any file size limits but I haven't used it much yet.

Think you may need to get a Gmail address/Google account first.


There are a lot of similar type accounts, Microsoft, etc, but 15 gb seems the usual large limit for free accounts.

Title: Re: Aircheck hosting...anyone have any ideas?
Post by: redhat on January 09, 2016, 0524 UTC
We'll try archive.org and see how it goes.  I put the January 2nd show up there.

https://archive.org/details/XFM122016Show192K (https://archive.org/details/XFM122016Show192K)

And also the Halloween show with a bunch of callers.

https://archive.org/details/XFM1112015HalloweenShow192K (https://archive.org/details/XFM1112015HalloweenShow192K)

Title: Re: Aircheck hosting...anyone have any ideas?
Post by: joewo on January 11, 2016, 2305 UTC
Why not make the aircheck into a video....a few pictures of the audio equipment and transmitter etc popped on top of the audio and post to youtube. 
Title: Re: Aircheck hosting...anyone have any ideas?
Post by: Kilokat7 on January 12, 2016, 0117 UTC
Why not make the aircheck into a video....a few pictures of the audio equipment and transmitter etc popped on top of the audio and post to youtube. 

Because YouTube's copyright flags would blow up on something like this resulting in the video being banned in every country on Earth due to copyright infringement.  I can't even post a static laced DX recording anymore that contains music without the copyright flags being tripped and the video banned in many countries.  I have yet to figure out a way around this.
Title: Re: Aircheck hosting...anyone have any ideas?
Post by: redhat on January 12, 2016, 0349 UTC
Why not make the aircheck into a video....a few pictures of the audio equipment and transmitter etc popped on top of the audio and post to youtube.  

Someday when all this is in the history books and I'm out of the country (on a private island preferably) I will :)

For obvious reasons it's not a good idea to do that.  Besides, I thought DX'ers enjoyed the mystery of it

Kilo, do you still have issues if it's a 'private' post, ie one that will not show up in searches?

Title: Re: Aircheck hosting...anyone have any ideas?
Post by: Kilokat7 on January 13, 2016, 1343 UTC
IMHO, the mystery indeed is a large part my enjoyment in this hobby.

Regarding YouTube, setting to "private" only allows the uploader to view the video after signing in to YT, so I've never bothered checking.  Setting the video to "unlisted" however produces the same results as posting it publicly.  I posted a nice reception video of WAZU last month that you'll never see because it was banned in 233 countries due to copyright claims for the music identified in the recording :-(
Title: Re: Aircheck hosting...anyone have any ideas?
Post by: redhat on January 13, 2016, 1504 UTC
Oy... And the record industry wonders why people steal music?

Title: Re: Aircheck hosting...anyone have any ideas?
Post by: ff on January 13, 2016, 1604 UTC
I posted a nice reception video of WAZU last month that you'll never see because it was banned in 233 countries due to copyright claims for the music identified in the recording :-(

Geez Kilo, I thought it was because Fred has such a potty mouth!  ;)  BTW - thanks for trying anyway.

I'm all for protecting intellectual property but I'm incredulous about how treatment differs with differing venues.  Often pharmaceutical companies have to spend tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars to develop a drug - that helps people - and jump it through all the hoops for FDA approval.  Then they get 12 years to make their investment back and have the opportunity to appeal the FDA for an extension.  But music?  Lifetime plus 50 years.  If pharma companies had the same deal I imagine that drugs would be MUCH MUCH cheaper.  But of course, it's more important to keep those SME violations going for 40 year old music.  Makes no sense to me...
Title: Re: Aircheck hosting...anyone have any ideas?
Post by: CoolAM Radio on January 13, 2016, 2111 UTC

 Maybe  http://www.4shared.com (http://www.4shared.com) is an option?
 But - take care...after receiving 3 "warnings" for adding so called
 "copyright material"  4Shared will Ban you!

 CoolAM Radio - Shortwave
 the Netherlands
Title: Re: Aircheck hosting...anyone have any ideas?
Post by: ka1iic on January 14, 2016, 1808 UTC
I've been block on youboob more than once...  Germany is often the first to block... must be my last name (heh).  After Germany every Country from here to Pluto pig piles on me...

No freekin' sense of humour ehhh?

Delete the music leave the dialog (unless they have a trade mark on the words) or cut the music at 5 seconds of the beginning and 5 seconds of the ending... dump the entire middle.  This might work.  Not sure... but I almost remember being at a meeting about a certain movie and it was said less than 15 or 10 seconds of the tune being used than copyright isn't so much of an issue... key words 'isn't so much...' not an absolute.

Otherwise dump the entire song and leave the dialog... Then make a very sarcastic comment about certain companies being afraid that a static filled, medium fi, mono copy of their tunes will cut into their profits.  After all we are not talking stereo HD here...

If the above doesn't work contact me and I will send Doctor Poo to their headquarters and he will teach them the ins and outs of fecal matters.
Title: Re: Aircheck hosting...anyone have any ideas?
Post by: redhat on January 14, 2016, 1922 UTC
Yeah, you see I hate 'scoped' airchecks.  In most cases the music is the best part  ;D

Title: Re: Aircheck hosting...anyone have any ideas?
Post by: ka1iic on January 14, 2016, 1945 UTC
to bad it isn't some local garage band doing some of the insane tunage that my band use to do...  then copyright the whole damned thing... screw 'em... <heh>
Title: Re: Aircheck hosting...anyone have any ideas?
Post by: mb6 on February 14, 2016, 0521 UTC
mega.nz (http://mega.nz)?
Title: Re: Aircheck hosting...anyone have any ideas?
Post by: ka1iic on February 15, 2016, 1501 UTC
I would try archive.org as someone else said.

They have complete radio programs from both commercial and home made sources and they don't seem to have the copyright phools jump on them...

I'm always digging around that site.

According to the "Bono Law" none of us will live long enough to see even the earliest recordings go into public domain.  The only exemption are any of the Edison recording as they have been given to the Library of congress for the people to enjoy...
Title: Re: Aircheck hosting...anyone have any ideas?
Post by: Pigmeat on February 15, 2016, 2106 UTC
Damn that Sonny Bono!
Title: Re: Aircheck hosting...anyone have any ideas?
Post by: redhat on February 15, 2016, 2309 UTC
I relegated myself to putting notable shows up on archive.org and this seems to be a good solution.  For everything else, there's always google drive  :-\
