HFU HF Underground

Technical Topics => The RF Workbench => Topic started by: joczo on April 01, 2017, 1431 UTC

Title: Stealth parrot repeater
Post by: joczo on April 01, 2017, 1431 UTC
Hi guys!Sorry if I write to wrong topic(or forum),but maybe you could help :)
We would like to make a stealth parrot repeater hidden in an abandoned place with my friend.Our story is short:we have a freaking mountain(okay just joking,but a pretty big hill) between us,and it makes communication impossible.
So we were thinking about putting a repeater to that place,what all of us can reach.
I made some research:powering it is easy with some solar panels from ebay,and a 12V motorbike battery.I have several radios which we can try(old AM cb,PMR),so that's not a problem also.I got stuck with the repeater controller.On ebay,there are some simplex controllers which would be good,but they are too expensive.$60 for a box that does nothing else but recording and playing back...and also,as the repeater will be hidden,anything can happen with it,so we don't want to loose too much money if it happens.
Do you guys have any idea what could we use?I only have a very little knowledge about building electronics,so keep it simple please ;D For example,some kind of easy schematic,or something with an aurdino nano..you get the point.As this will be a low budget project,we don't want anything fancy.
Thank you very much,waiting for your ideas :) 73!
Title: Re: Stealth parrot repeater
Post by: Stretchyman on April 01, 2017, 1701 UTC
Easy Schematic?

It's way more complex than you think.

However there is a simple solution

You need a dual band radio that will do cross band Tx/Rx

However you can just use two radios as they're cheap as chips;



Title: Re: Stealth parrot repeater
Post by: joczo on April 03, 2017, 1652 UTC
Thanks for the reply!
Yes I know it's not that easy,I just thought maybe there is a controller schematic for noobs with no extras ;D
This idea came into my mind also,but I don't really want to make it more complex with cross-band things,that would bring more problems to solve(isolating the radios enough,different antennas,double power consumption,etc)
I think I will try to build a controller with an audio recorder IC,I saw some noob-friendly descriptions on the net.Maybe I can build it alone :D
Title: Re: Stealth parrot repeater
Post by: Stretchyman on April 04, 2017, 1228 UTC
Oh a schematic for the controller ok....

Just run 2 radios back to back as per the shortcut or get a cross band radio, no need for anything else bud.