HFU HF Underground

General Category => Amateur Radio => Topic started by: Matt285 on March 17, 2020, 0019 UTC

Title: HF activity is on the rise
Post by: Matt285 on March 17, 2020, 0019 UTC
Lots of activity the last couple of days on HF. Guessing it's a combination of good propagation and the fact that people are staying indoors.
Title: Re: HF activity is on the rise
Post by: Matt285 on March 17, 2020, 0027 UTC
It's 8:25 here and 20m is going strong. Coast to coast and DX as well. The band is normally dead at my QTH this time of day on 20.
Title: Re: HF activity is on the rise
Post by: Strange Beacons on March 17, 2020, 1215 UTC
I monitor the 40m band on most days. Over the past week, I've noticed a huge increase in voice/phone activity there. Listening in on a few of the conversations, I mostly heard people discussing the coronavirus. I'm assuming that the increase is due to more and more people being home in quarantine.
Title: Re: HF activity is on the rise
Post by: nickcarr3151 on March 17, 2020, 1942 UTC
I think it's more likely due to propagation.  At least here in the USA, the seasonal changes should be bringing a little help.  I noticed a lot of fishermen chatting in the early morning hours coming in over the Pacific ocean.
Title: Re: HF activity is on the rise
Post by: ThaDood on March 17, 2020, 2036 UTC
And, more activity on 17M (18MHz), centered around 18.140MHz, during the daytime.