HFU HF Underground

General Category => General Radio Discussion => Topic started by: Fansome on July 12, 2012, 0520 UTC

Title: [UDXF] night-of-nights 2012
Post by: Fansome on July 12, 2012, 0520 UTC
From: Peter <adsl642564@tiscali.nl>
To: <UDXF@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [UDXF] night-of-nights 2012
Date: Wed 7/11/12 11:40 PM

Next evening 00:00 UTC 13th of July there is another night of the nights event held by historical radio-stations KSM KPH and KFS to remember the last CW transmission of these stations.

Tentative frequencies:

KPH: 426 500 4247 6477.5 8642 12808.5 17016.8 22477.5

KFS: 500 12695.5 17026

KSM: 426 500 6474 8438.3 12993

See also:




Peter Poelstra The Netherlands
Title: Re: [UDXF] night-of-nights 2012
Post by: zackers on August 09, 2012, 1939 UTC
I enjoyed tuning in. I recorded the transmissions of weather, news and M.E.B.A. I copied the benediction sent at 0700Z. Ms. Denice Stoops, longtime participant in Night of Nights who usually sent the closing benediction, had suffered a stroke earlier in the year and was unable to participate in the Night of Nights this year, but I understand she is on the road to recovery.
Title: Re: [UDXF] night-of-nights 2012
Post by: zackers on August 09, 2012, 1942 UTC
The benediction sent this year:

"Dear Goddess, the members of the Maritime Radio Historical Society
are your humble servants and we thank you for protecting us this past
year as we continued our stewardship of the stations KPH, KFS and KSM.
The music of Morse has gladdened the hearts of many as our signals
crossed the barriers of time and space around the world. We ask that
you guide our decisions and actions during the coming year that we may
be worthy of the valuable equipment and the honorable tradition that
has been entrusted into our humble hands. Bless all the many ears that
share the fruits of our labours ZUT 73/88 DA / We now invoke and
request the blessings of the radio goddess to help our beloved Denice
and all radio men and women in their hour of difficulty. We wish you
fair winds and following seas GL and vy 73 de KPH/KFS/KSM"