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General Category => Weather => Topic started by: ChrisSmolinski on January 11, 2021, 1149 UTC

Title: Drama free weather
Post by: ChrisSmolinski on January 11, 2021, 1149 UTC
I've been enjoying the drama free weather here in the Mid Atlantic. Cold, but no storms. 19F this morning which seems to be the low.

Not much rain likely the next two+ weeks:

Title: Re: Drama free weather
Post by: Ct Yankee on January 11, 2021, 1308 UTC
The weather in southern New England this winter has been a breeze so far.  While we have had 17 inches of snow for the season, only two inches have fallen since Dec. 21. Through late January, no snow is predicted here. Locally, temperatures have been running 5-10 degrees above normal with high's in 40's and low's in 20's.  This morning's brisk 17 degrees may have been the coldest of the season - very surprising not to have dipped into single digits or below zero by now.  It'll be interesting to see whether the local sugaring operations need to tap before Groundhog's Day, 20's to 40's is perfect for sap flow. 

This weather has got to be a crushing blow to Florida tourism - the pandemic, delayed/cancelled spring training, and weather not severe enough to drive impromptu travel.  There was one winter I went south for a couple of weeks just to get away from daily sub-zero weather at home.
Title: Re: Drama free weather
Post by: pinto vortando on January 11, 2021, 1810 UTC
Mild (for January) here in Michigan as well.  Daytime highs low to mid 30s and nighttime low around 20.
Ponds around here don't have enough ice on them to safely walk on.  Wind calm to light, no snow... lots of
people out walking and riding bikes in the various parks.
Title: Re: Drama free weather
Post by: pinto vortando on February 05, 2021, 1159 UTC
Well. finally got some drama...
just finished shoveling several tons of heavy wet global warming off my driveway.
Temp has been falling all night, down to 22F now, had to get the snow removed
before it freezes.  Couldn't even see my car, it looked like an igloo. 
Temps forecast in low teens for highs and around zero for lows for the next several days.
Title: Re: Drama free weather
Post by: ChrisSmolinski on February 05, 2021, 1520 UTC
We ended up with 10" of snow from the big storm earlier in the week, plus two minor nuisance dustings of 0.25", one this morning.

Looks like another chance this weekend, currently the bulk is modeled to fall just to my southeast:

Title: Re: Drama free weather
Post by: pinto vortando on February 16, 2021, 1058 UTC
Some more drama here, picked up at least 6" of snow overnight...
hard to tell exactly with all the blowing and drifting. 
Shoveled the drive before going to sleep late last night to lessen the
same task this morning.  Would rather try to keep up with storm
than wait for it to end...  don't have a snowblower.
Temps have remained well below freezing here since my last post.
Several minor snowfalls plus last night have left well over a foot of
snow on the ground. 

Got to head back out in a bit and shovel out along the curb to
minimize the amount the city plow will dump in my driveway.

Update:    been shoveling pretty much continuous, got things under control,
came in to thaw out and take on some water, this cold dry WX is dehydrating.
Looks like about 6-8" storm total.  The winter storm warning set to expire at noon.
Mostly just light blowing snow at present.
Will be listening for city plow (if they come by today), the street is drifted over,
the 4x4s have no problem, the FWDs not going anywhere.

Well, the plow came by, made for another 2 hrs. of shoveling, time for
a hot shower and dinner.
Title: Re: Drama free weather? Not here!
Post by: ThaDood on February 16, 2021, 1941 UTC
Wow!!! Just west of Charleston, WV, they are describing it to the damages from the 6/2012 Durracio. Got power here, for now, since it comes from the next county, just east of me. Anyone whom can make it east, from just 10 miles west of me, have cleared out the store shelves locally. And, we've got another one-two punch in winter weather coming for the rest of this week. Some relief, Sunday the 21st, when it's expected to hit into the 40's. (Ooooooo, get out the speedos.) several amateur repeaters and radio stations are down, due to no power to them. 
Title: Re: Drama free weather
Post by: Ct Yankee on February 17, 2021, 1820 UTC

We are expecting 4-8 inches plus some ice from Thursday to Friday.  Four inches will put us at our yearly average of 45 with a month of snow season to go.  There's been at least a foot of snow on the ground since late January.