HFU HF Underground

Loggings => North American Shortwave Pirate => Topic started by: Big Badfish Al on July 08, 2022, 0405 UTC

Title: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: Big Badfish Al on July 08, 2022, 0405 UTC
Mode: AM
Date: 8 July 2022
Time: 0345 UTC
SINPO: 33333 in Alberta Canada SDR
Signal meter: S5+

0345 - OM rants about religion and New World Order

Thanks for the broadcast and please e-QSL to bad_fish@hotmail.com

Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: Shortwave_Listener on July 08, 2022, 0540 UTC
He is active every day at the current time. I agreed with Pigmeat that if we don't log him here he might go away. Probably not, but you never know.
Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: fpeconsultant on July 08, 2022, 1006 UTC
Doubtful as he is logged on many DX groups so whatever you choose to do will likely have no effect.
Good luck.
Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: Shortwave_Listener on July 08, 2022, 1751 UTC
Good point. It also doesn’t seem to have made any difference so far. I might go back to logging him.
Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: fpeconsultant on July 08, 2022, 1812 UTC
I used to post all my logs of him back about 2018 (I think) on hfu and he or someone he knows (?) emailed me a few pictures of a mobile home that looked like it was in the middle of nowhere - I’ll look back at the email to verify but either the email address it came from or the subject line indicated the pics had something to do with his location.
Were they real?  I have no idea.  Did it creep me out like his closing music? Ab-so-f*-@king-lutely.
I don’t dig his rap but I am intrigued by his brazen attitude toward FCC rules/regs and the flat out bizarreness of the whole idea of a religious pirate.  And no pirate should EVER sign off with “I love you”.
Have fun,
Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: Shortwave_Listener on July 08, 2022, 1828 UTC
I agree that a religious pirate is a very strange idea. It would likely be a much better idea just to buy airtime on one of the big religious stations. I highly doubt he has any listeners who really believe him. Very interesting that he would send pictures of his broadcast location, if it was indeed him. Maybe it was his own form of a QSL? The FCC report from 2014 states he was broadcasting from near Inyokern, California. He might have moved since then but he seems to at least still be in California. Let me know when you see what the subject line or email address was. I am amazed that after already being busted once that he hasn’t been busted again. His content is so ridiculous that I don’t think I could be the only one that is annoyed by it. I can’t believe nobody has reported him again because of it. Since he has already been warned if he gets caught again he will probably get a fine.
Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: fpeconsultant on July 08, 2022, 2237 UTC
According to posts in an email group I am in, he now is giving a mailing address for people to contact him - and apparently he will reply.
The address has been heard twice:

Marty Elliott  Box 134  Olancha CA  93549

Josiah Elias c/o PO Box 134 Olancha, CA 93549

This info is from a DX email group I’m in and isn’t noted as confidential so if this is inappropriate then I’m ok if an admin type here wants to edit this.
Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: Charlie_Dont_Surf on July 08, 2022, 2242 UTC
I am amazed that after already being busted once that he hasn’t been busted again.

They have bigger fish to fry (MW and FM pirates in the large cities) and plenty of other things to do with mobile vans than to be poised and ready to find and give the knock to HF pirates who are only transmitting for 45 minutes at a time and on an irregular schedule.

FCC enforcement is not what it used to be in "the bad old days" (1970s-90s). As proof, I submit the stories of some of the "hams behaving badly" (e.g. W6WBJ, "the World's Best Jammer", some of the activity on 7200 KHz in the east, and so on) whose sagas go on for years and years but also stations like Ball Smacker, who advertise ahead of time when they will be on and keep to a regular schedule - making them completely predictable - and have been doing this for quite some time. In the olden days, even without someone making a complaint, I suspect that many of the low-hanging fruit would have been found and given a warning long ago. These days, it just doesn't seem to have the same priority.
Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: Treehouse SWL on July 08, 2022, 2312 UTC
According to posts in an email group I am in, he now is giving a mailing address for people to contact him - and apparently he will reply.
The address has been heard twice:

Marty Elliott  Box 134  Olancha CA  93549

Josiah Elias c/o PO Box 134 Olancha, CA 93549

This info is from a DX email group I’m in and isn’t noted as confidential so if this is inappropriate then I’m ok if an admin type here wants to edit this.

Glenn Hauser recently read that address on his "World of Radio" show, so it should be OK to share it. I've been logging my reception of YHWH several times a week lately on the WOR boards; Josiah's been much more regular about broadcasting in recent months than he used to be.
Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: Pigmeat on July 09, 2022, 2019 UTC
It seems to me he used to refer to himself as "Brother Josiah" in his earlier days?

Buying time can get expensive for a religious broadcaster if you don't have followers to pony up the money for air time. Even Brother Stair had a cult.
Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: fpeconsultant on July 09, 2022, 2116 UTC
Pigmeat you may be right about his past moniker - I didn’t log him until fall of 2016 and yes it takes money to buy whiskey, as they say.
Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: MDK2 on July 09, 2022, 2201 UTC
The story I heard was that he was based right outside one of those huge military bases in the Mojave and got noticed very quickly for that reason, leading to a rare FCC bust of an HF pirate. He apparently did buy some time on WBCQ after that but it was very short lived, just one or two transmissions. After a while he was back on the unlicensed airwaves but apparently without molestation by the FCC. Not sure if it's still there or not, but I found "Days of Hard Life" uploaded to youtube taken from a recording of that one time he was on WBCQ. You know, if you want to download the audio for your mp3 player. Which I guess is your phone these days.
Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: fpeconsultant on July 09, 2022, 2219 UTC
There is something about that song (Days of Hard Life) that gives me the willies….
Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: Shortwave_Listener on July 09, 2022, 2226 UTC
Here is a link to that YouTube video of Days of Hard Life so you can “enjoy” it in all its weirdness

Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: fpeconsultant on July 09, 2022, 2229 UTC
Here’s the pic I received along with another a few years back.
Looks like a desolate place.  I haven’t found the original email but I recall it referring to YHWHs QTH.  He must’ve been seeing my logs of him on hfu and emailed me - or someone did….

Hmm I guess I don’t know how to paste a pic - using an iPad and tried copying pic but can’t paste it here.  Help?
Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: Shortwave_Listener on July 09, 2022, 2340 UTC
You can’t post images directly to the forum anymore by attachment. Here is what I do to upload images

1. Go to https://imgbb.com/
2. Click on the blue "start uploading" button.
3. Upload an image
4. Select “BBCode full linked” under the “Embed codes”
5. Copy the link
6. Paste the link in your post
Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: MDK2 on July 09, 2022, 2346 UTC
Here is a link to that YouTube video of Days of Hard Life so you can “enjoy” it in all its weirdness


Yep. I keep hearing rumors that a real band that plays bars and clubs wrote and recorded it, but I swear it sounds like an angsty teen girl wrote it in her bedroom using Garage Band on her laptop.
Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: fpeconsultant on July 09, 2022, 2349 UTC
(https://i.ibb.co/x2YyYy2/9-A298492-CD35-47-F5-9688-F8084424-EE55.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: fpeconsultant on July 09, 2022, 2349 UTC
You can’t post images directly to the forum anymore by attachment. Here is what I do to upload images

1. Go to https://imgbb.com/
2. Click on the blue "start uploading" button.
3. Upload an image
4. Select “BBCode full linked” under the “Embed codes”
5. Copy the link
6. Paste the link in your post

Thx - did it work?  If so doesn’t it look like an RV or trailer home?
Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: Shortwave_Listener on July 09, 2022, 2352 UTC
Yes it worked, I can see the RV or trailer home.
Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: fpeconsultant on July 09, 2022, 2356 UTC
Here’s the other pic I received - further away but same object waaaay back in center of pic taken from the road in foreground?

(https://i.ibb.co/876MSPL/41-E9-B56-A-775-E-491-D-BF37-C1-D73-C4-A9-E51.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: Pigmeat on July 10, 2022, 2024 UTC
Napoleon Dynamite's Uncle's place?
Title: Re: YHWH 7475 AM 0345 UTC 8 July 2022
Post by: Shortwave_Listener on July 10, 2022, 2215 UTC
I suspect that those images were probably not sent by the operator of YHWH himself because of the distance from the object. The first one is taken from just outside a fence surrounding the place like the person who took them couldn’t get any closer. I think if it was the person who lived there he would get a bit closer to their own house to take better pictures. It also doesn’t make much sense for a pirate to give away their own location. Because of the distance I can’t say for sure that it is a RV or trailer home but there is a good chance it is. I wonder what supports the antenna? I can’t see anything to hold up a dipole antenna.