HFU HF Underground

Loggings => North American Shortwave Pirate => Topic started by: SW-J on September 18, 2010, 2331 UTC

Title: 6925u "Not everything you hear is true" Radio 2330z 9-19-2010
Post by: SW-J on September 18, 2010, 2331 UTC
2330z More as available - station came up the last few minutes w/music ...

2331z Signal steady S5 into Tejas ATTM ...

2334z Voice pgm ATTM ... and now back to music ...

2340z Signal peaking to S6 ... pgm content alternating from 'sage advice', observations, outtakes, quotes from film? TV? and back to music ...

2356z Pgm still ongoing ... some interesting content music-wise I have not heard elsewhere ...

2358z Voice "You are interfering with a QSO in progress ... " a joke of sorts ...

2359z Spanish accent (?) op makes some sort of announcement I think ... mayhem with 2 stations active for a brief few minutes ...

0008z Signal still holding in there; peaks to S6

0008z Continuing admonition throughout the broadcast "... not everything you hear is true ..."

0009z SSTV transmission ...

0011z Pgm continues ...

0023z Op/voice over: "... at gmail.com " missed first part ...

0032z Pgm noted to still be ongoing ...

0100z Pgm continues with "Uncle Bob" bits ...

Title: Re: 6925u UNID ATTM 2330z 9-19-2010
Post by: Newfoundland DXer on September 18, 2010, 2345 UTC
Radio Mushroom ID at 2342, followed by David Bowie (same show as last night I think) but mixing with second station here, equal levels, 32441 for each

Cheers, Terry
Title: Re: 6925u Radio Mushroom 2330z 9-19-2010
Post by: SW-J on September 18, 2010, 2346 UTC
Radio Mushroom ID at 2342, followed by David Bowie (same show as last night I think) but mixing with second station here, equal levels, 32441 for each

Cheers, Terry

Copy, thanks. That flew right past me  :) :)