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Messages - Ray Lalleu

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 2706
on 4625 USB
2134 music, 'this is xxxxxxx dot com', music
>>> again someone trying to jam the Russian buzzer
>>> such pulses, carrying no data, I know only one use : radar, OTH radar on SW
>>> so, to jam it, the right way is to send back the same pulses...
2144 talking, xxxxxxxxxx dot com

on 5800.2
1840 music, talking in D, etc...
(maybe WDR ?)
1844 "War of the worlds"
1851 canned ID Radio WDR

(1952 gone)

on 6300.0
1810 very weak and noisy, some music
1823 very hard (with SSB voice on 6300 USB)
audio lost
1830 some music, using LSB mode
1848 better now, ID+@

2000 ID, very weak, "Una paloma blanca"

on 6325.00
1808 euro-Dutch pops

1827 OFF

on 5790.0
1737 D music, 1742 ID+@+phone nr,
1747 greets to stations and to listeners,
music, with hosting,
1807 music

on 7270.0--
1318 non-stop pop-rock
1352 jingle ID as xxxx International, more music,  1454

on 7325.0
1133 barely some audio at home
1138 weak but clear in the Alps, music

on 5840.0
0842 music, very weak here
0845 weak in UK, talking in D, "Bandolero",
0848 OFF

on 3975.0
2345 small SW stations of the past, Radio Jackie Revival closedown, comments by Jack, ID as WMR,
2349 music

on 6307V    drifting
2018 "Show must go on"
2040 UT bursts, station around 6306.3 now

(2059 gone)

on 6939.87
1918 very weak, very noisy, some music  (upper sideband a bit better)

2000 Everly Brothers "All I have to do is dream"

on 6290.06
1825 music, music,
1828 OFF

ID thanks to Alex (see below)

on 3920.02
1817 D songs, strong

on 3940.02
1745 music, strong, non stop,
1753 F.R. David "Words"
1758 'goien avond' ??, blank
1800 Kraftwerk "Autobahn"
1808 Mike Radio

on 6290.0
1710 very weak, noisy here, some music
1730 OFF

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HFUnderground T-Shirt
HFUnderground T-Shirt
by MitchellTimeDesigns