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Topics - ve6pg

Pages: [1]
10/11 meters / Digi on 11m..
« on: January 05, 2025, 0012 UTC »
Any one hearing odd digi on 27Mhz?..It is too fast for me to record, but I have heard it on 27440, 27660, and 27770. It is short, and very strong. It is like it is looking for a response, sort of like a handshaking thing.
I am in Ontario, about 75 miles NW of Toronto..


HF Beacons / "MENU" CW on 5345.8khz
« on: October 03, 2024, 0241 UTC »
[Anyone know what this cw transmission is? Keeps repeating "MENU" in slow code.
Heard Oct3/24 at 0235z. Strong signal into Ontario EN94


22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / ODX Beacon-6786.7
« on: September 10, 2024, 0016 UTC »
..Nice signal, 579 Sept9, 8pm EDST..Not far about 80 miles. 3.5mW...


22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / VA3KAH/B
« on: September 09, 2024, 0105 UTC »
Big signal tonight (9pm-0100z) on 6783.42kc...Hard to believe it is just 10mW! I'm in EN94..not far (80miles) but still impressive!

Pages: [1]
HFUnderground T-Shirt
HFUnderground T-Shirt
by MitchellTimeDesigns