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Topics - Gr0undPlan3

Pages: [1] 2 3
Other / Hams Behaving Badly 7200 kHz LSB 1958 UTC 21-DEC-2024
« on: December 21, 2024, 2012 UTC »
7200 kHz, imagine that...  :o

Offensive as usual. Lots of name calling, QRM'ing, etc. I don't think anyone on the frequency is even drunk yet.


Shortwave Broadcast / Voice of Korea 12015 kHz 2217 UTC 20-DEC-2024
« on: December 20, 2024, 2218 UTC »
Voice of Korea transmitting in Spanish. Kujang, North Korea transmitter. Moderate signal into EN80. 51+30 with static and echo.

2217 UTC - YL speaking
2220 UTC - music
2224 UTC - YL speaking, introducing next song(?)
2224 UTC - music


10/11 meters / US & AUS ragchew 27590 kHz USB 1948 UTC 19-DEC-2024
« on: December 19, 2024, 1950 UTC »
Sounds like a ragchew between US and AUS. Received EN80 on 1/10 vertical. 49 with static and fading.

1948 UTC - two HAMS discussing holiday plans
1952 UTC - gas prices


Republic of Yemen Radio transmitting in Arabic. Jeddah, SAU transmitter. Good signal into EM80 via South Beverage. 55+30 with static and fading.

1337 UTC - music


Shortwave Broadcast / Nippon no Kaze 12045 kHz 1320 UTC 19-DEC-2024
« on: December 19, 2024, 1324 UTC »
Nippon no Kaze transmitting in Korean. Tashkent, UZB transmitter. Decent signal into EM80 via South Beverage. 39+20 with heavy static and fading + occassional jamming (?).

According to RadioHobbyist.org - Clandestine station transmitting to North Korea in hopes of reaching Japanese citizens kidnapped by North Korea.  Letters from family members are read and music is played. :(

1320 UTC - OM speaking
1322 UTC - music
1328 UTC - station ID, YL
1329 UTC - YL speaking with music


Shortwave Broadcast / All India Radio 11810 kHz 1310 UTC 19-DEC-2024
« on: December 19, 2024, 1311 UTC »
All India Radio transmitting in Pashto. Bengaluru, IND transmitter. Strong signal into EM80 via North Beverage. 59+40 with some fading.

1310 UTC - music
1314 UTC - YL speaking


Shortwave Broadcast / Radio Azadi 12140 kHz 1300 UTC 19-DEC-2024
« on: December 19, 2024, 1303 UTC »
Radio Azadi (Radio Free Afghanistan) broadcasting in Dari. Kuwait transmitter. Very weak signal into EM80 via South Beverage. 39+10 with heavy static and fading.

1300 UTC - two YLs speaking


Shortwave Broadcast / Ifrikya FM 17600 kHz 1247 UTC 19-DEC-2024
« on: December 19, 2024, 1249 UTC »
Ifrikya FM broadcasting in Arabic. Bechar, ALG transmitter. Moderate signal into EM80 via 1/10 vertical. 49+30 with heavy static and fading.

1247 UTC - station ID, YL
1248 UTC - music
1251 UTC - station ID, OM
1252 UTC - music


China Radio International transmitting in Arabic. Bamako, MLI transmitter. Decent signal into EM80. 59+30 with static and slight fading.

1903 UTC - YL speaking
1904 UTC - music
1907 UTC - OM speaking


World Christian Broadcasting Africa VPA transmitting in English. Mahajanga, MDG transmitter. Decent signal into EM80. 59+40 with slight static.

African Pathways
1855 UTC - OM speaking
1857 UTC - OM speaking about baptism
1859 UTC - OTA


Shortwave Broadcast / JRC Radio Tamazui 15550 kHz 1508 UTC 18-DEC-2024
« on: December 18, 2024, 1513 UTC »
JRC Radio Tamazui. Talata Volonondry, MDG transmitter. Decent signal. 49+30 with some static and slight intereference from WJHR on 15555 kHz.

1508 UTC - YL presenter, maybe news program
1513 UTC - OM speaking


Shortwave Broadcast / Vatican Radio 15490 kHz 1452 UTC 18-DEC-2024
« on: December 18, 2024, 1453 UTC »
Vatican Radio broadcasting in Hindi. Tinang, PHL transmitter. Decent signal into EM80. 58+40 with slight fading and an echo.

1452 UTC - OM reading Bible passages in English and Italian, YL speaking Hindi


Shortwave Broadcast / Voice of America 6080 kHz 0355 UTC 18-DEC-2024
« on: December 18, 2024, 0356 UTC »
Voice of America transmitting in English. Selebi-phikwe, BOT transmitter. Decent signal into EM80. 49+30 with fading and static.

0355 UTC - VOA US news, YL presenter - New Jersey drones, illegal whaling prisoner release
0401 UTC - VOA world-wide news, OM presenter - Ukraine-Russia, Syria


NHK World Radio Japan transmitting in Japanese. Issodun, FR transmitter. Strong signal into EN80. 59+40, slight fading and static.
They are very strong across the band down to 6105 kHz.

0341 UTC - talk show format, OMs and YL
0352 UTC - dance music


XEPPM Radio Educacion. Mexico City, MX transmitter. Weak signal into EM80. 29+40 with heavy static and fading.

I've been hunting this one for some time. Winter conditions must be helping.  :)

0330 UTC - presenters speaking in Spanish
0334 UTC - music


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HFUnderground T-Shirt
by MitchellTimeDesigns