I got e-mails about low power out from this circuit.
Only about a watt or so...
http://www.angelfire.com/de/RadioAnarchy/I went to Radio Shack and got the capacitors there...
and at work today figured out a circuit board plan to cut
out with the Dremel tool on some double sided copper board
.. .did not take long...
at first power up, I got about 5 watts of power... then I added another turn to L3 and
go a little more power.... about 7 watts..... no problems..
for C5 I have two .001 MFD caps in series, for 500 pico-Farad.
so for L3 we should start with 6 to 7 turns,, then unwind..
also the value of these caps at C6 are not that accurate..
if you have a variable capacitor around 1200 pico-F for C6, that would be good.
but we are trying to keep it simple and easy, and low cost.. . .
so I built 2 just like this and have no problem getting several watts out of carrier power.
The picture of the O-scope is showing 10 volts per division...across my MFJ 50 ohm dummy load.
I have the IRF510 heatsinked to the copper board.
I will make a diagram with my layout and all...
check it out...