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Topics - Dxcan

Pages: [1] 2 3
QSLs Received / Flux AM 6260 Khz
« on: January 22, 2024, 1728 UTC »
Here is the link for this Euro Pirate

QSLs Received / Enterprise Radio E-QSL
« on: November 01, 2023, 1306 UTC »
Here is the link:


QSLs Received / Radio Mordor E-QSL
« on: October 30, 2023, 1651 UTC »
Radio Mordor E-QSL 6281 kHz


WMR being just audible (at 0225+)here into Alberta via the KiwiSDR at Coronation Alberta, which is about 125 km's southeast of my location here in Daysland. This site has a 160 meter inverted V at 100 foot height, at VE6OK Farm....

Better audio by 0248 hrs with Latin Ballads and caught a nice English ID at 0250 hrs UTC

Back into the noise with just a audible signal @ 0305 hours...

Posting this for review:

Date: April the 7th 2023
Time 0413 to 0444 hours uTC
Frequency: 7320 kHz 40:98

Music by SHAZAM is the best translation.

0413 – Paccmaatpnbad 3be3nbl by ATOW in Russian
0415 Another song by ATOW group
0416 Male speaker with announcements
S-reading only at s5 to s6
Then selection “Kopa6nn” by Vladmir Vysotsky and Melodiya.
0423 “Dragon flame” by Kiara Magic
0428  “He 6yaem npowatbcr” by Ploho
0431 The old Russian Interval Signal played, followed with “Aomon” by Elka
0425  Children with talks, followed with “Heyero xknat6” by Sizar
0438 “Nonet Ha Stenbtannche” by Valerity Leontiev.
0441 - The old Russian Interval Signal played again cutting through the noise floor
Another selection but signal dropped out, with poor copy to 0443 tune-out

This segment of listening done via the KiwiSDR site in Western Montana, with fair signal at best. S-3,I-5,N-3,P-4,O-3
0401 to 0412 hours was heard from Kiwi SDR site in Sundre Alberta with poor to poor plus signal. S-3,I-5,N-3,3-4,O-3/2

Audio link at this website: https://app.box.com/s/yumeapnpye3b2v1zifu2u89sqr4ugddk
For the 0413 to 0443 hours

My apologizes for the Russian text not the best at translation.

Continental AM radio will be active this weekend at the following frequency:

Saturday and Sunday From 19:00 UTC to 00:00 (UTC), at 7585 kHz

Receipt reports can be sent to the whatsapp number: +55 77 9904 -o483

The station will be transmitting from the interior of the state of Bahia

Latin American Pirate / Radio Continental 7585 AM 1912 March 26.23
« on: March 26, 2023, 1920 UTC »
7585 what sounded like a Latin ballad with a announcement at 1912 hours..played music than then gone..back on at 1917 hours with some kinda of orchestra music..then gone..this via the Kiwi SDR Pardinho..
You can just see on the spec RF the bar (vertical)
so the big question are they testing ??

Latin American Pirate / Radio Casa 8000 AM 0059 UTC 14 FEB 2023
« on: February 14, 2023, 0104 UTC »
Hearing Radio Casa in Portuguese with station ID w/frequencies @ 0100 hours, followed with ballads.
Great signal into Poarinho Brazil SDR site..just might make it to the East coast of NA.?

Being heard via SDR Site in Ireland from 1102 hours with hits and ID's as Star Radio and gave the e-mail address as 'starradio@gmail.com"

6070 Captian Blackbeard Radio broadcast relayed via channel 292 from 0300 s/on with the 'true truck' experience at 0324 hours... great signal into Finland...

QSLs Received / XTC Shortwave E-QSL
« on: June 10, 2021, 1448 UTC »
6275 AM The Xenon Transmitting Company E-QSL from this station.
Image at: https://imgur.com/a/3mNMGJe

QSLs Received / 6285 AM Radio Enterprise QSL
« on: March 13, 2021, 1403 UTC »
6285 AM Enterprise Radio. QSL card with full data and stickers, via Postal Mail, for my November's reception. Located in north part of Italy, runs 400 watts, into a rotorable antenna. :)
Here is the link:

QSLs Received / Radio Jennifer E-QSL
« on: February 23, 2021, 1720 UTC »

Here is the reply I got from Radio Jennifer on the Test broadcast..

Mike Radio here now after signing off from 3940 kHz.
Baker Street @807 hours.
.heard via SDR in Germany with great signal...

Unidentified station playing some great music into SDR , in Holland.
1712 hours -Jim Hendrix
1717 hours- Beach Boys
1732-Spencer Davis Group

edit by moderator Ray : subject line from Unid to Premier R. (see below),
and reformating the subject line

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HFUnderground House Flag
by MitchellTimeDesigns