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Topics - XmasScotty

Pages: [1] 2
General Radio Discussion / Not Really Radio, However...
« on: August 31, 2019, 2212 UTC »

Fcc recommends designating 988 as national suicide mental health crisis hotline


Equipment / Filters For Dummies
« on: August 13, 2019, 2057 UTC »
I've been using a inexpensive import FM transmitter and an amp for a few years after my other transmitter.. well.. that is a bizarre story in itself, and best to be told at a different time and thread. Anyhow, back to the subject at hand. Recent circumstances have dictated that I seriously consider getting around to getting a filter for what I'm currently running.
My question is two-fold:
Part 1: After sitting in on the local two meter net, the topic of filters was brought up, and an Elmer was pontificating about the pros and cons (mostly pros) of cavity filters, and I am leaning that way. Is this a good way to go?
Part 2: If so, what do I need to know in purchasing said filter(s)
Part 3: Before the amp or after the amp (or both?) as far as application?


« on: July 30, 2019, 1101 UTC »
May you celebrate with your significant other in an appropriate manner.


General Radio Discussion / New Production Computer, Part 2
« on: April 29, 2019, 2213 UTC »
So I got the new production computer, and it's tits. But I screwed up with the audio interface. I'm less than happy with what I got. So I'm looking for a sound card with a bit more fire power. What I got was just what came with the Dell, thinking that it with a Behringer interface was good enough. Recommendations, Huffers?


General Radio Discussion / New Production Computer
« on: April 14, 2019, 0716 UTC »
Bought a new computer to make shows, skits, liners, etc. for my current Fm station and future AM project. Bigger, faster Win machine that'll never see the internet after I finish installing everything I need to. Used Cool Edit Pro before as my software of choice. No longer have it, looking for good production software with not much of a learning curve.  Your ideas, suggestions, etc.


MW Loggings / Russian Speaking Station Heard On 1610 Last Night
« on: March 03, 2019, 0453 UTC »
Hey, HFU-er's. Long time stalker, long lost poster who forgot his log-in and user name.
Last night after midnight, I caught a Russian speaking station on 1610 khz in the Great Lakes region. Station faded in and out. No clue on what it was.

The RF Workbench / Trying A Different Approach
« on: October 12, 2015, 0106 UTC »
Having very little luck with the ISO that I purchased. Giving up on it for right now. Maybe wait until the spring to try my luck with the f**king thing.
So now I'm thinking dipole, which I'm sure you are all going to tell me I should have done in the first place. Well, I have space issues, which is why I decided to try my luck with the ISO to begin with.
I do not have enough property for a 160m dipole antenna. So I'm thinking of a75/80m (1/4 wave length is the modus operandi, good people) with a manual tuner in line.  Is this kosher? If not, what is for someone with very very little electronic background (other than successfully making FM antennas with coat hangers)?



Pages: [1] 2
HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns