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Messages - cendoubleu

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Shortwave Broadcast / UNID station 9620 Khz
« on: February 11, 2024, 0923 UTC »
Hearing a range of pop music (60's - 80's) along with English male announcer on 9620 Khz. I've not been able to catch an ID yet as there is deep qsb at times.

6285 Khz Mixture of easy listening style music and classical. I'm in the UK so presuming this is a Euro pirate. SIgnal strength is SIO 333 with some QSB at times.

tried to send a report to vaultshortwave[at]mail.com and vaultshortwave[at]gmail.com, both of which bounced back. Does anyone have an up to date email address please?

Copying them here in the UK at 20:30 UTC with signal between S9+, fading to S4.

Heard here in Lincoln with good strength but deep fading. No ID as yet.

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng 9540 Khz 20:40
« on: July 17, 2016, 1825 UTC »

thanks guys for the info. I couldn't get a positive ID, i.e. a spoken ID. There was no break at the ToH and other than some musical links, it was non-stop discussion/talk.
I am located in Lincoln,UK. Receiving kit: yaesu 450D and h/brew OCFD at 25 feet.

Thanks for the info Ron.

Shortwave Broadcast / SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng 9540 Khz 20:40
« on: July 15, 2016, 2109 UTC »
Getting a very weak copy of SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng from Taiwan on 9540. Definitely Chinese language and music, with YL and OM announcers. Improving slightly now at 21:00 with grey line propo.

I have looked through the web but unable to find any contact details. They appear to have used other frequencies in the past such as 6305 Khz and 6930 Khz.

ID at 23:01 - "Radio TRX your're listening to TRX Radio on short wave"

Station on 4035 Khz playing some cracking blues and jazz. Hopefully will get an ID soon.

European Pirates and Private Stations / Strong station on 6280 Khz
« on: August 05, 2015, 2208 UTC »
Listening to a strong (43344) station on 6280. I've been listening for nearly 10 minutes but no ID as yet. Mainly pop-style music and occasional chat

I have just been listening to a variety of music on 6750 Khz (21:50 - 22:00 UTC). There was an ID at 21:55 but as is often the case, this drowned out by a sudden burst of interference. Suddenly cut-off at 22:00 UTC, so I guess that was transmission period end. The signal was good to me here in Lincoln, UK using a Tecsun PL-600 with 15 metre long wire. Any thoughts/ideas as to identity? Many thanks, Charlie

European Pirates and Private Stations / Re: R. Monaco?
« on: April 05, 2015, 1227 UTC »
Just got an ID of R. Marabu

European Pirates and Private Stations / R. Monaco?
« on: April 05, 2015, 1145 UTC »
Currently listening to a station on 6255 Khz which id'd sounding like 'R. Monaco'. Playing various forms of music, rock, pop, rap etc. Poor signal to UK. I will try and get a better ID

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