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Messages - Paul B. Walker, Jr.

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ive heard this one up here in alaska several times

Rádio Nacional Amazônia Male announcer in portuguese hosting Latin Music program with lots of dialogue and taking phone calls.  IDs on the hour. Great signals into SW Florida SINPO 5/5/5/5/5

Thats Mauricio Rabelo, Brazil's answer to Casey Kasem or Ryan Seacreast. Been on the radio there for awhile, very well known and liked.  Ran for a federal office 10-15 years ago and some of his campaign march videos on youtube are very interesting to see. Hes interacting with listeners mainly from whatsapp using the voicenotes feature.

They are after better than all 5's SINPO up here in the frozen tundra

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: Estacion 4940 AM Venezuela 0230 UTC 22Jan25
« on: January 31, 2025, 2033 UTC »
ive heard them up here in alaska.... better than youd expect.. but never quite enough to make out speech, which seems to be a bit underwhelming

Shortwave Broadcast / Live On SW Across Europe
« on: January 31, 2025, 1426 UTC »
If you're in Europe, join me on Shortwave today, 2100 to 2200UTC. I'll be broadcasting live on 5900khz via Sofia, Bulgaria with a live simulcast of the KSKO Lunch time show.... a variety of music and lots of local information. 

MW Loggings / IRCA Board Nomination
« on: January 23, 2025, 2051 UTC »
Wow.....I've been nominated to run for the Board Of Directors for the International Radio Club Of America.

I'm flattered, honored and shocked. I have decided to run and submitted this campaign statement for publishing in an upcoming DX bulletin

I have 21 years of current, real world and ongoing broadcast experience which has proven handy when arranging DX tests and notifying stations when something is way out of tolerance.  I have been a DXer even longer with lots of trial and error along with real world experience vs just theory.  While some of us have butted heads, my desire is simply to share this hobby that I love while also making sure fair &  accurate information is out there.   I believe I offer a fresh perspective as a DXer well as a perspective from the business side of this hobby that few can offer.

on 6055.00 very strong
1132 music, 1134 talking in G, religious

From eibi
6055          1130-1200 SaSu  D   Evang.Missionsgemeinden  D   Eu          n

German form Nauen from Evang.Missionsgemeinden

Shortwave Broadcast / R. Cairo FRench Service
« on: January 02, 2025, 1453 UTC »
I'd love to see the Radio Cairo Shortwave transmitter site in Egypt.. it's gotta be ancient and in a massive state of disrepair.

Radio Cairo (from Egypt) is still on Shortwave but I don't understand why. This is my reception of their 9410khz broadcast in French on Dec. 25th at 2027UTC.

I mean, its listed as French on SW schedule websites and I assume this mess is french.

Here's my audio:


Hence the term "Possible".  Have a great 2025, Paul.
And this is why you should use sources like www.eibispace.de with much more accurate listings than some of the schedule websites

Shortwave Broadcast / VOA Korean With Classical!
« on: January 01, 2025, 2216 UTC »
I thought some of my DX friends would like to hear what VOA Korean via Thailand sounds like hear when my audio bandwith is opened up to 8khz

Here's the audio:

Their 250kw transmitter power produces 25 megawatts ERP at the antenna and im just about smack in the main lobe 4000-5000 miles away

S-9 + 10


THey dont indicate theyre using 5835 this season

And are low power

So even if they are on 5835, i highly doubt it was s9+10 right at sunset in PA

edit by Ray Lalleu :
FRS Holland was really relayed on 5835 at that time : I heard them at home on daytime, then after 2000z via SDRs in the Alps, and at 2240 and 2258 via SDR in Vermont.
Other listeners got it in NE America.

I move the original message from N2MLP to the right forum, leaving this reply in SW Broadcast, 'just in case'

im slightly suspect of you hearing a low power low band signal before its even dark where you are.  Chris, in MD.. struggles to hear 250kw from bulgaria to europe on 5900 before dark. This one is only a 1kw outlet, doesnt broadcast in english and wasnt listed as being on at the time you logged it

9635 was the best for me, 11650 wasnt too far behind, 13830 was ... i might have a carrier, maybe.... 15770 was el bupkus for even a carrier.

Were back at it as usual Fri at 2100 on 5900

Shortwave Broadcast / KSKO 89.5 McGrath, Alaska On SW Dec 24th & 25th
« on: December 24, 2024, 1449 UTC »
KSKO 89.5 McGrath, Alaska on SW Dec 24th and 25th.

16-17 utc on 9400, 17-18 utc on 17900 and 18-19utc on 5900

Voice of America transmitting in English. Selebi-phikwe, BOT transmitter. Decent signal into EM80. 49+30 with fading and static.

0355 UTC - VOA US news, YL presenter - New Jersey drones, illegal whaling prisoner release
0401 UTC - VOA world-wide news, OM presenter - Ukraine-Russia, Syria


This same programming is on 9775 and 4930 at the same time. they might be worth checking out.

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