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Messages - n3tel

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S8 peaks, occasional fades into S6 In Charles Town WV, Good Show!
The voice is much lower, S4-S6, unreadable 75% of the time.

G5RV into Icom 7300

23:32  Booming into Charles Town, a bit over S9 and I can't detect any atmospheric fading.

Icom 7300, G5RV in Attic.

Good signal into Charles Town WV, about an hour NW of DC.  S9+5 peaks, fading down to S7.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6925 AM 1817 UTC 10 16 22
« on: October 16, 2022, 1831 UTC »
18:29, S9, then sudden drop to zero.  in the middle of a song I don't know.

S7 to S9 in Charles Town  WV.  Just in time to catch the last track!

Peskies / Re: UNID 6925 00:29 15 Oct 2022
« on: October 15, 2022, 0045 UTC »
Thanks!  I appreciate the information.  This is something new to file away in my dusty old brain.

Feel free to leave or move or delete this thread whichever is preferred.

Peskies / UNID 6925 00:29 15 Oct 2022
« on: October 15, 2022, 0030 UTC »
Intermittent voice, too weak to understand it.

Update: 00:37  sounds like a conversation, but not english.  i don't think it's a broadcast.  Thought it might be at first.

Listenable in Charles Town WV,  S9+5db with fades down to S4.

Icom 7300 with G5RV in attic.


I hear speaking on 4019, so at this point I am thinking this is the station.  peaking at 10DB over S9 in Charles Town WV about an hour NorthWest of DC.

Icom 7300, G5RV in the attic.  Nothing on the mini-whip, weak on the mag-loop.

Dang!  You beat me to it!  I was waiting for Wildfire...  LOL
S9 in Charles Town WV icom 7300 G5RV

Based on tonight's theme I'm guessing we'll have more older songs and virtually no recent songs, (which is OK by me!)

The fading is terrible tonight at my location.  Dipping from S9+5 down to S4.

Readable in Charles Town WV on icom 7300, G5RV.  S9 peaks, but I have S6 noise floor, so it's not great sound. 

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know what that wide-banded mess is around 6895?   (It's on K3FEF also, so not local noise.)

S9 in Charles Town WV on G5RV and Icom 7300 at 01:05 UTC Very Slight atmospheric fading.

I can hear it, but not listenable, as it's too noisy in my location. (S5 noise floor.)
S6 in Charles Town WV on G5RV and Icom 7300 at 01:04 UTC

S9+10db  in Charles Town WV on G5RV and Icom 7300 at 01:00 UTC

S7 in Charles Town WV on G5RV and Icom 7300 at 01:00 UTC

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