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Messages - gzt

Pages: [1]
20:18 UTC hearable here in my receiver at west-coast Finland, RX antenna G5RV-type dipole.
Signal 7-8, Radio readable 2-3/5.

11690 was about no-go for the 24hrs, i think im too close for that band. Somewhere at mid-day it did came OK for a while but too much other stations nearby or even on same freq..

Startup on 6170 was ruined with Radio China that started on 6175 about on the same time than SWR.
After a while they changed to 5985 that was much better. 1602kHz MW was also quite hearable on night.

at some point they change back to 6170kHz that was quite good thru daytime, S9 to S9+20dB loud and clear.

Last hours there was lots of QRM from other stations so not so good copy but hearable thru the whole 24hrs of transmit.

Few clips that i recorded from my SDR.

Startup, you can see&hear the carrier nicely, then first tunes of "Turn on your receiver" followed but the mess made by Radio China. Could listen good only on LSB after that.

MW a while after startup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrrRXruk0h4
5980 around 0700 UTC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc093s4DDtg
6170 11:20 UTC, my receiver was offtuned for some reason, did not regonize :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNCWxjOcwJo

03.11.2024 ~ 1730 UTC 6305kHz
Strong signal, 9-9+10dB on s-meter of my SDR-receiver at KP13 square.

Finnish song: Sundin Pojat ja Vesku Jokinen - Täällä pohjan tähden alla
ID OM "Radio Bothian Bay, Finnish Rock Music, on shortwaves, enjoy"
Finnish song: Turos Hevi Gee - Poliisi

Utility / Re: Ru UT test 6402 USB 1936 UTC 25 OCT 2024
« on: October 31, 2024, 0913 UTC »
seems to be gone now, there is a beep on freqency now, with 2sec transmit interval "beep .... beep ... beep ..." with about same signal strenght what that audio transmission got.

Utility / Re: Ru UT test 6402 USB 1936 UTC 25 OCT 2024
« on: October 30, 2024, 0611 UTC »
Very strong to my listening location trough the 24hrs a day.

Im not in to russian language but with help of google the song found from youtube,

and the translated lyrics
"Officers, officers, your heart is at gunpoint
For Russia and freedom to the end
Officers, Russians, let freedom shine
Making hearts sound in unison"

Pages: [1]
HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns