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Messages - RickF

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Partial India Radio 6925 USB 9-16 0400 with Station ID followed by comedy sketch; captured on Mojave Desert CA. rig:

Renegade Radio.  First clip South Florida Remote. Second clip Colorado remote.  9-16 0250 HRS 6935 USB: Correction 1st Clip Colorado remote.

Got it via South Florida remote 9-16 0112 HRS.  "War" Edgar Winters Group. Signal a bit weak; currently fading at S4.


Chris, is this for Pirate broadcasts only or are you including UTE comms as well? 

Utility / Re: E-6B comms with command station in the clear:
« on: September 11, 2013, 1602 UTC »
Thanks CM, I just really, really wish I had recorded and in many cases had not 'lost' previously recorded transmissions.  I had some really great stuff from back in the day, late 70's early 80's when HF was wide open that I had recorded on cassette tapes that I simply can't find.  Dude, losing those recordings when I think about it just drives crazy.  Happy monitoring CM!!

Utility / E-6B comms with command station in the clear:
« on: September 11, 2013, 0209 UTC »
The below was captured on 6697/9016 and 8992 just as President Obama started his address to the country on Tuesday night. 

6925 S6 on Token's Mojave Rig. 0247 HRS


6925 unidentified pirate S5 New York State remote. Acid rock.  Saturday 9-7 1157PM EST.

Utility / Air Force 1 in the clear with Bodo
« on: September 07, 2013, 0208 UTC »
Air Force 1 and CANFORCE 01 in the clear returning from G-Summit Meeting in St.Petersburg Russia. 


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HFUnderground T-Shirt
HFUnderground T-Shirt
by MitchellTimeDesigns