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Messages - glimmer twin

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Shortwave Broadcast / RNA Brasil 11780 Khz 4:35 UTC 8/2/2014
« on: August 02, 2014, 0445 UTC »
RNA's 11780 transmitter is putting out distorted spurs every 30 Khz or so. The fundamental is pretty funky too. Spurs fall on 11750 , 11720  11810  11840 and they go further but get much weaker the farther from 11780. 11840  is RHC Spanish & is sometimes funky all by itself but the RNA spur makes it much worse. WEWN on 11870 is bothered by it too. I've seen mention of this problem in other groups but hadn't really been aware of how bad it's gotten.

5:30 UTC  the spurs seem to be a bit further apart than 30 Khz. the one that falls on 11720 is closer to 11715 & doesn't bother New Zealand on 11725 which is inbooming at S9+10

S9 in KCMO. Intuned at 4:15z to The Who & Supertramp tunes. Very nice signal with not much noise tonight. Really inbooming.

Very cool. I will have to break out the SDR & try for this one tonight. Thanx for the heads up.

Intuned at 2:03 to Dylan tune. They're about S7 here in KC. Getting ready to take the hound out to check her pee mail & I'll have something to listen to now. Thanx Rave on Radio.

Other / "Herb" maritime weather forecast guy on 12359 Khz
« on: July 30, 2014, 1554 UTC »
Does anybody remember this guy? he apparently had some sort of business staying in touch with pleasure vessels in the Atlantic ocean & giving them very specific weather forecasts. I would hear him on 12359 Khz in my local afternoon/evenings like about 19-22 UTC. I sort of got out of the dx'ing hobby more or less for a while around 2002/7 & I can't remember hearing him after that. Although I did still play with my radios some just not as much as I had been. I sometimes saw him mentioned in GH's DXLD so he was a fairly common catch. I think he was based in Canada...maybe(??)... The Atlantic coast maritime part of Canada. His forecasts were ,as I said really specific for the various vessels & he would know their intended course , heading etc. I would hear him every day from my QTH in Missouri. When I lived on an island off the coast of Maine in 2001 & again in 2004 I wasn't able to hear him although I know he was still on the air in 2001 because I could hear him when I was back in KC. I guess I was within his skip zone when I was in Maine. Now that I think about it I haven't even checked for him in years so perhaps he is still there. Does anyone remember hearing him in the late 90's early 2000's? Just wondering.

Other / Re: what is a coconut call?
« on: July 30, 2014, 1533 UTC »
I hadn't followed up on the replies to my query. Thank you kmorgan. Another mystery solved.

Received an actual in the mail, old school QSL for an SDR recording of 9925 (Nauen) & 9955 (Okeechobee,FL). QSL card appears to be maybe a disc or something ...maybe my imagination but the card has a hole in the center as if it is a record & appears to have (again ,maybe i"m seeing things) a sort of record like surface...grooves or something. I don't have a scanner(or turntable) or I would show it. If so it is the coolest QSL ever.

Thanx STF

I uplooked this frequency in swskeds & don't see anybody on 16500 that would be a target for the drake but there are a few nearby SOH frequencies & they tend to move about a bit plus most SOH's are flea powered (100 watts?)  so the target often doesn't make it through to N America but the jammer does.

Intuned at 2:52. S6 signal here. My window unit air conditioner is putting a blob around 6930 & it's to damn hot upstairs to turn it off. It sounds like the LODE program I heard a few days ago. OM/YL talking ,  YL is possibly via telephone. Without the AC rf blob it would be pretty decent reception but laziness reigns supreme at the Glimmer Twin QTH tonight. Thanx for the show anyway.

Intuned at 2:14z. Very nice signal S7-S8 on R75  with lovely jazz tunes. ID at 2:16. Really good signal.

Heard weak here in KCMO. OM & YL voices + music just at & sometimes slightly above the noise level.

Spy Numbers / Re: Cuban Babbler
« on: July 24, 2014, 0156 UTC »
I used to run across the babbler on 6529 during my local early mornings 10-13 UTC quite often but as Token says it has been well over a year (seems like a couple of years) since I last found the station. I don't think I ever went looking for the babbler but I often wake up during the night & turn on the radio & start tuning down from the last station I tuned in which is almost always around 6925, looking for late night oddities & would just stumble across it. I'm very spotty with keeping a log the last few years but its been a long time since I've heard it.

I guess that this is what I'm hearing. I heard it very weak & in the noise earlier tonight around 2:00z but had no idea what it was then. They seem to have gone off as I type this (5:33z). Details are as others have said, taking phone calls, etc. Signal is (was) stronger than it was when I heard then earlier tonight. This is a new one for me.

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: HELP NEEDED PLEASE!
« on: July 18, 2014, 2346 UTC »
I thought I saw that too & tried to search the dxld yg for it but couldn't find the post. Just because I remember it doesn't mean it happened...I remember all kinds of stuff that never happened

Me too , I listen while I walk the dog after work. It comes in well on a barefoot portable (PL660 or PL380).

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