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Messages - Cornel

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what is a gigawatt ?!!!! ;-)

Utility / Re: Russian Naval Frequencies
« on: June 02, 2015, 0053 UTC »
Thanks Oliver.

Carrier detectable and some chunks of modulation audible in USB, FF79 Argentina, static crashes and QRM from nearby brasilian stns
Edit: on both 6925 and b4 6940 (less noise)

HF Mystery Signals / Re: Mystery signal question
« on: September 19, 2014, 0047 UTC »
Thanks T. Interesting. I think i need a SDR :).
Soooo, why do we hear these sigs all over the world? Do they appear random, frequencie/time/direction wise? Maybe something "secret", undocumented.
I think we all agree it's not "mother nature" doing these. If it's just some RF garbage from inductive soldering or any other industrial action, why nobody complains cos of this RFI? I mean, if somebody does RFI over hundereds even thousands of miles, that would lead to investigation at least. No?
Do we hear these in the, lets say, MWARA/safety ranges of HF? What does the FCC/ITU say to this mistery? RFI is RFI. isn't it? If the source is industrial, then it must be an old "fashioned" process(es), we hear it since decades, and even today.

Strange indeed.
Only more questions, no answers.


10/11 meters / Re: 29 MHz US repeaters, 10m open
« on: September 18, 2014, 1540 UTC »
More from KQ2H, 14:30z-20:30z 18/9/2014

Between s3 and s6
Some DL,PD and NAm OMs
QSB and fadeout ~15:30z

19:08 up to s6,  mobile stns, Larry, distorted audio
19:29 N6MSJ with N6BQD Larry San Francisco
19:40 YL bot "good afternoon"
19:41 K6PPT
19:42 YL bot "time is 3:50pm"
19:49 XE2JS, Julian in Chihuahua, 50Watts,  with K6PPT
19:51 CQ de XE2JS, repeater cw ID

19:56 cw ID
20:01 N6IME, s6 peak,  mobile in Phoenix/Flagstaff 80W 5feet antenna, with K6PPT Tucson AZ, sometimes both distorted, hence hard to copy 20:08 QRT

20:10 cw ID
20:12 YL bot "good afternoon"
20:14 N6IME mobile
20:17 OM bot "with over 90348 min..." (or is that 19348?)  cw id
20:19 K6SCA
20:22 YL bot  "Good afternoon" and  time, OM bot "KQ2H repeater"
20:35 cw ID

Good copy in DokkumDX NL remote, "beer-tent"-music...

22:48z off

European Pirates and Private Stations / 6925am Unid pirate. 21:23UTC
« on: September 14, 2014, 2231 UTC »

21:23z Unid pirate, only classic music, heard on Dokkum DX remote on GT.
21:51z quintet for archi (Thanks Gino)
22:11z off

Very vy strong in NL, up to +60db over 9 (if the reading of the remote s-meter is correct) Solid as a rock, a pleasure to listen to.

Nice show! Thank you.

Audible in DokkumDX NL, remote. Weak, low noise, but on the edge.

20:41 Jimi Hendrix
20:43 unid song
20:48 Led Zeppelin
20:52 Radio Eldorado ID
21:00ff 60s songs
21:11 Radio Eldorado
21:11ff more "american graffiti" style music
21:29 electronic, techno music
21:33 Eldorado faded out, zero sig

Thanks, Nice show!

Utility / 4459u Modified whales
« on: September 07, 2014, 0313 UTC »
07.09.2014 0131z 4459u

"modified whales" ??? xmit heard, best on GT-Rimini remote s9+, strong in UK too, weak to good in US, nada in HongKong and Australia. Strange mode indeed. Still going on 0315z when i stoped monitoring. All on remotes, nothing local.

HF Mystery Signals / Re: Mystery signal question
« on: September 07, 2014, 0133 UTC »
I think we ALL heard these one or more times and since years. Here in Argentina i can monitor them daily on various frequencies, say 8-30MHz, and allways strong to vy strong. I my case i think http://ionos.ingv.it/tucuman/fplotMUF.html guys are xmiting the sigs. It would be interesting to know if that mode was also used in 1960s (and up). They xmit regardless of bandlimits etc. Signal sounds/looks scientific to me, not RFI. check ionos.ingv.net.


Great show as usual, good audio and nice signal in Great Lakes/US remote.

Thanks Wolverine.

Saludos from south-america.

10/11 meters / Re: 29 MHz US repeaters, 10m open
« on: April 02, 2014, 2146 UTC »
29620 FM KQ2H agn. Do i have to rename the thread to "KQ2H repeater" ?  :)

[16:17] DL1DO over KQ2H with NZ9N, some bad fading
[16:19] CQ NZ9N

[17:38] LA3NRA
[17:38] with EA4MR in Madrid 100w, multiband rot. dipol, s8 now
[17:44] KQ2H peaks +40-60dB in Madrid, same in Norway
[17:49] LA3NRA with NZ9N Westcoast Las Vegas, good sig
[17:52] KQ2H 9+60dB in Las Vegas
[17:55] EA4MR, Jezz with NZ9N, CW ID
[17:58] s9
[18:01] ?W6EOE, CW ID
[18:04] s8 CW ID
[18:08] "With more than 48115 hr of service , this is KQ2H repeater."

[18:22] NZ9N agn

all with the vertical trucker whip antenna on the NRD-545, [Time] is local (+3h=UTC).

10/11 meters / Re: 29 MHz US repeaters, 10m open
« on: April 02, 2014, 0000 UTC »
After the R3 blackout another shorty on 29620 KQ2H

[16:15] KQ2H climbing to s5
[16:23] G1DAT Paul Middlewest s-England with M6PWD

[16:29] fade out agn
[16:34] M0ODW Rob, CQ N-america
[16:35] only s3 but good audio now
[16:35] with M6PWD
[16:37] G7DSD with WA6EKS, weak input sig
[16:42] much noise now. hum
[16:46] clear:"this is KQ2H repeater"
[16:52] out of nowhere s5 agn
[16:53] "this is KQ2H repeater"
[16:56] fade out
[16:57] CW ID
[17:00] opens agn with s3-4
[17:02] s5
[17:02] s7
[17:04] "..with more then 48100 hrs of service this is KQ2H repeater" OM bot
[17:05] opens quiet. s5
[17:08] CW ID, low

s6 right above the noise, some fast fading, sometimes hard to listen to but ok for such a DX AM. Good enough to ID song and speaker. Best in AM-LSB ECSS setting on the NRD-545. Thanks for the shout out. Mustang Radio rocks!

Saludos from Argentina

10/11 meters / Re: 29 MHz US repeaters, 10m open
« on: March 21, 2014, 2103 UTC »
One more time 29620kHz FM KQ2H, not much traffic but good signal:

[15:06ff] DO3TS QSOs with Bochum Germany DC3?DD, F?MPK from St. Tropez, F5DMD, DO8GT Erzgebirge

[16:05] 29620 repeater KQ2H active
[16:12] "this is KQ2H repeater"
[16:19] "this is KQ2H repeater"
[16:27] peaks s5 now, lotsa "ding-dong" sounds
[16:28] unreadable OM input
[16:29] repeater CW ID
[16:31] W5LMM
[16:31] "this is KQ2H repeater"
[16:33] vy stable now, s7
[16:35] CW ID, then YL voice "good afternoon"
[16:37] YL bot: "Greetings of the beautyfull catskill mountains upstate NY. This is KQ2H repeater"
[16:40] vy clear now, i can hear hum from the mains
[16:43] time
[16:45] "this is KQ2H repeater"
[16:50] time and "this is KQ2H repeater"
[16:51] OM bot: "Greetings from the beautyfull catskill mountains upstate NY. This is KQ2H repeater"
[16:51] signal droped to s3-4
[16:58] CW ID
[16:58] "this is KQ2H repeater"
[17:04] CW ID, scratchy. s2-4 some QSB
[17:11] CQ FM EA1DOB and YL bot: "Greetings from the beautyfull...". s5
[17:13] KD2EBZ NYC, for EA1DOB
[17:18] KC2HBR NYC John, for EA1DOB
[17:21] s6-7
[17:26] OM "this is..." YL "good afternoon, time is..." and CW ID
[17:29] YL bot "Good afternoon" s7
[17:31] YL bot "Greetings from...." s7
[17:33] CW ID s5
[17:37] OM bot: "Greetings from the beautyfull..." s7-8, vy clear


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