10/11 meters / Re: 29 MHz US repeaters, 10m open
« on: February 27, 2014, 1354 UTC »
once again KQ2H repeater on 29620 FM, nice opening on 10m
0036z s8 on the longwire!, "ding dong" sound, QSB s6-9
0038z KB2US calling
0041z NT9N
0042z KQ2H cw ID
0044z KF7DRA?
0046z sig drop s2-3
this morning with the mobile 10/11m whip antenna
[09:22] KQ2H repeater NY, G0CEG
[09:22] N2CEC with G0CEG
[09:26] CT2GQA with PB1HF CQCQ
[09:28] G0CEG CQCQ CT2GQA answers
[09:31] time by femal voice and CW ID, now F1HAO
[09:34] DG5YFY
[09:37] "this is KQ2H repeater"
[09:37] HB9WA?
[09:39] DG5YFY agn and CW ID
[09:43] D?3LGT, OK2OV
[09:44] "this is KQ2H repeater"
[09:47] CW ID
[09:48] EA4FBS Madrid with OK2OV
[09:50] faded and rough now
[09:52] DF2DM
[09:53] DG5YFY, signals almost unreadable now
[09:54] CW ID
[09:55] DL1??? Idar-Oberstein
[09:55] DF2DM
[09:56] Bodo from Frankfurt
[09:57] with EA2BP
[09:59] sig down to s1-2
[10:02] TW something, french lang
[10:04] two french OMs F4FK?
[10:08] a stn from New Caledonia,
[10:10] 2M0IZC Glasgow with DF2DM s3
[10:12] SM3GDT 350km north Stockholm
[10:16] DH3MAI cq FM with DL2DSL
[10:18] CW ID, DK9? Dresden
[10:18] agn deep QSB
[10:22] OK2OV agn with DH3MAI
sig droped to nil, some stns still audible but hvy, slow QSB now, repeater still vy busy. [Time] is local (+3h=UTC)
...and the show goes on, lots of EU stns audible
afternoon, with the NRD-525:
29620 kf7uru Wyoming
[17:40] qsy to 29600
[17:58] KQ2H is getting better and better
[18:19] AE5KC
[18:39] PU2PRN CQCQ
[18:47] "greetings from the beautyfull catskill mountains New York"
[18:54] "this is KQ2H repeater"
[19:02] "it's snowing---"
[19:03] KX1W
[19:06] with KT?2H
[19:07] "this is KQ2H repeater"
[19:11] DK3??
[19:14] mobile stn in NY city, vy scratchy now
[19:15] with VK5PM
[19:17] "good afternoon" YL robot
[19:18] K5OIU Fort Worth
[19:22] fadeout KQ2H
[19:30] VK2AH sydney AU
[19:33] VK2AH with KC2H
[19:35] "this is KQ2H repeater" OM bot "good afternoon" YL robot
[19:38] CW ID
[19:42] WB2IVN nw Colorado with WP4NAL Puerto rico. mobile 20Watts
[19:46] PV8???
[19:48] agn vy scratchy and fadet
[19:55] N5CN mobile with WB2IVN
[19:58] s5-7 now, perfect audio
[20:00] PV8PR chimes in
[20:02] "this is KQ2H repeater" OM bot
[20:08] phonecall ends QSO N5CN
[20:13] CW ID, deep fades
[20:39] KD4OBQ, low and scratchy
0036z s8 on the longwire!, "ding dong" sound, QSB s6-9
0038z KB2US calling
0041z NT9N
0042z KQ2H cw ID
0044z KF7DRA?
0046z sig drop s2-3
this morning with the mobile 10/11m whip antenna
[09:22] KQ2H repeater NY, G0CEG
[09:22] N2CEC with G0CEG
[09:26] CT2GQA with PB1HF CQCQ
[09:28] G0CEG CQCQ CT2GQA answers
[09:31] time by femal voice and CW ID, now F1HAO
[09:34] DG5YFY
[09:37] "this is KQ2H repeater"
[09:37] HB9WA?
[09:39] DG5YFY agn and CW ID
[09:43] D?3LGT, OK2OV
[09:44] "this is KQ2H repeater"
[09:47] CW ID
[09:48] EA4FBS Madrid with OK2OV
[09:50] faded and rough now
[09:52] DF2DM
[09:53] DG5YFY, signals almost unreadable now
[09:54] CW ID
[09:55] DL1??? Idar-Oberstein
[09:55] DF2DM
[09:56] Bodo from Frankfurt
[09:57] with EA2BP
[09:59] sig down to s1-2
[10:02] TW something, french lang
[10:04] two french OMs F4FK?
[10:08] a stn from New Caledonia,
[10:10] 2M0IZC Glasgow with DF2DM s3
[10:12] SM3GDT 350km north Stockholm
[10:16] DH3MAI cq FM with DL2DSL
[10:18] CW ID, DK9? Dresden
[10:18] agn deep QSB
[10:22] OK2OV agn with DH3MAI
sig droped to nil, some stns still audible but hvy, slow QSB now, repeater still vy busy. [Time] is local (+3h=UTC)
...and the show goes on, lots of EU stns audible
afternoon, with the NRD-525:
29620 kf7uru Wyoming
[17:40] qsy to 29600
[17:58] KQ2H is getting better and better
[18:19] AE5KC
[18:39] PU2PRN CQCQ
[18:47] "greetings from the beautyfull catskill mountains New York"
[18:54] "this is KQ2H repeater"
[19:02] "it's snowing---"
[19:03] KX1W
[19:06] with KT?2H
[19:07] "this is KQ2H repeater"
[19:11] DK3??
[19:14] mobile stn in NY city, vy scratchy now
[19:15] with VK5PM
[19:17] "good afternoon" YL robot
[19:18] K5OIU Fort Worth
[19:22] fadeout KQ2H
[19:30] VK2AH sydney AU
[19:33] VK2AH with KC2H
[19:35] "this is KQ2H repeater" OM bot "good afternoon" YL robot
[19:38] CW ID
[19:42] WB2IVN nw Colorado with WP4NAL Puerto rico. mobile 20Watts
[19:46] PV8???
[19:48] agn vy scratchy and fadet
[19:55] N5CN mobile with WB2IVN
[19:58] s5-7 now, perfect audio
[20:00] PV8PR chimes in
[20:02] "this is KQ2H repeater" OM bot
[20:08] phonecall ends QSO N5CN
[20:13] CW ID, deep fades
[20:39] KD4OBQ, low and scratchy