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Messages - William Hassig

Pages: 1 ... 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 [155] 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 ... 203
I detect a carrier in ssb mode under heavy static, R-2000 & dipole.

Tuned in at 0115utc, poor/weak signal under heavy static, hear Jimi Hendrix tune barely punching thru the noise, R-2000 & dipole.  

Barely detect a carrier under static. Sounds like there are 2 carriers closely spaced in freq. R-2000 & dipole.

Tuned in at 2320utc, detect weak carrier fading in & out under static from storms south of here, R-2000 & dipole.  
(edit) Hear bits of audio with music.
(edit2) Heard Cool AM Radio ID at 2344utc under heavy noise.

Tuned in at 0140utc, fair sig under static, hear what sounds like rap music, R-2000 & dipole.
(edit) SSTV/FAX at 0145, now more comedy.

Tuned in at 0130utc, poor signal under heavy static from Midwest storms even tho blue sky here, at 0133 heard bits of "Good Vibrations" by the Beach Boys. R-2000 & dipole.

Tuned in at 0104utc, fair signal but heavy static due to storms up in WI down in central IL and over in northern IN even tho blue sky here, heard ID but couldn't quite understand it, R-2000 & dipole. (edit) Hendrix version of natl anthem from Woodstock at 0116. 

Tuned in at 0100utc, weak carrier, barely hear bits of audio in am mode under heavy static, blue sky here but storms up in Wisconsin, down in central Illinois and over in northern Indiana, R-2000 & dipole.

Tune in at 0223utc, fair sig, esoteric music, R-2000 & dipole.

I don't know if I'm listening to this signal or to Liquid Radio on almost same freq. I hear tinny audio with heterodyne varying in pitch, R-2000 & dipole.

Tuned in at 0203utc, poor sig with light static, hear heavy metal rock, tinny audio, R-2000 & dipole.
(edit) there is a heterodyne from another stn that varies slowly in pitch.
(2nd edit) I'm not sure if I'm listening to this station or the other station.

Tuned in at 0019utc, fair/weak sig with low atmospheric noise, hear esoteric pop/rock with a beat, R-2000 & dipole.
(edit) 2 or more guys talking about "fat boy slim", rap tune. 

barely detect very weak carrier in ssb mode under moderate noise. R-2000 & dipole.

Tuned in at 0309œutc, I hear nothing but low background atmospheric noise. R8 & dipole. 

Tuned in at 0224utc, fair sig with low noise, unusual freq for a ssb pirate, R8 & dipole.

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HFUnderground T-Shirt
by MitchellTimeDesigns