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Messages - William Hassig

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Tuned in at 0152 utc, fair sig, Steppenwolf: "magic carpet ride", Procol Harem tune "conquistador" in concert with orchestra, ID as Radio Ronin Shortwave, Jefferson Airplane: "white rabbit", Stones: "paint it black", Drake R8 & dipole, radioroninshortwave@gmail.com

Tuned in at 0116utc, good sig good audio, program of tunes with word "school" in them, high school hop, me & Julio down by school yard, Alice Cooper: "school's out forever", Drake R8 & dipole. At 0235 tuned back in after Radio Ronin faded out, now featuring songs with the word "run" in them. Good show as always.

Tuned in at 0207utc, heard blues tune, now playing 60's tune "lonely too long". Good sig good audio, apparently tunes with the word long in them, R-2000 & dipole. As soon as I tuned in I knew it was Wolverine Radio. edit at 0217 beginning to fade a bit. edit, song "long cool woman". edit: fading out at 0240utc.

Tuned in at 0023utc, fair sig, hear J Airplane/starship "ride the tiger", R-2000 & dipole.

Tuned in at 0020utc, fair sig, music from 1980's, R-2000 & dipole. 0033utc song "I ran so far away".

S-on at 2347utc 11 Jan 2014, playing Derek & Dominoes, fair sig, NE IL, R-2000 & dipole. Now playing neun und neunzig luft baloonen (99 red balloons in German)

Tuned in at 2323utc, Moody Blues "nights in white satin" playing, fair/poor sig in NE Illinois, R-2000 & 7mhz dipole.

Tuned in at 0002utc 11 Jan 14 utc, fair/poor sig, soft pop instrumental music, morse code (no estoy fluent en morse), R-2000 & dipole.

somebody talking about research in rainmaking etc, good sig and audio, what is the background noise.

Was tuning on an el cheapo portable with 2 foot rod antenna and heard ssb garble just below 7 mhz. Turned on Kenwood R-2000 with 7 MHz dipole, heard good sig & excellent audio on 6945usb, was playing "your cash aint nothing but trash", now playing "sweet nothings".

Tuned in at 2306, fair sig in NE Illinois, Now playing Mighty Quinn. Edit: Hendrix natl anthem at Woodstock, qsl: radiogaga6925@gmail.com.

Tuned in at 0025utc, fair sig, clear audio, punk rock music including some really strange stuff, good clear ID, I got end of program, signed off at 0039, R-2000 & 7mhz dipole.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: XFM 6960 KHz AM 0501 UTC 1/1/14
« on: January 01, 2014, 0729 UTC »
Tuned in at 0727. Good sig, generic pop, said "bcstng in cquam stereo, the power of X", off at 0728. Too bad I missed show, I was listening to an unid on 6925am with a weak sig and a bad attitude.

Poor/weak, generic pop music, slow talking couldn't understand much, now another pop tune, at noise floor, better using usb mode, R-2000 & dipole. Edit, heard him mention my post on the air, tried various pronunciations of my name. 2nd edit: He sounds like he's had a few drinks. It would be nice if he said the name of his station a few times.  

Just tuned in at 0552utc, fair sig with some slow fading, science fiction story, sound effects and some music from the old Outer Limits TV program, off at 0647 and 23 sec.

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