« on: July 04, 2013, 0214 UTC »
Crystal Ship, 6950.68am, came on at about 0158utc, fair here in NE IL, patriotic rock ballad, story of old man on bench talking about flag possibly narrated by J Cash, a Sousa march, the tune "Yankee Doodle", now a reading of "we hold these truths etc". (edit) that sounds like JFK reading that. Now J Airplane "Volunteers of America". (edit) W Guthrie "this land is your land", another Sousa march, J Horton "battle of New Orleans", I emailed him just now at tcsshortwave@gmail.com (3rd edit) freq drifted down to 6950.64, now playing old 60's tune "soldier boy". (4th edit) just came back from 6925am and now hear Dylan "with god on their side", signal also getting weaker.