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Messages - William Hassig

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0153utc, big band, jazz, blues tunes about morning, now playing woman singing "when I woke up this morning" accompanied by blues piano, poor with much static. Edit, SSTV/FAX at 0250utc, off at 0252utc.

turned on Drake at 0110utc, heard rock music, then vocalists singing "happy trails to you", sed WFUQ free radio cafe, then goodbye. 2nd lower sideband stn recently, 1st I heard was unid back on 5-26-13.

2154utc, fair/poor with fading, s-on with USSR national anthem(?), then Ramones: "hey ho lets go", song: "I'm burnin' for you", sed "reception reports from Chicago, from Virginia, from all over US", I presume via hfunderground since I didn't hear an email address given out. I didn't catch name of DJ.

0232utc on 6925usb, heard heavy metal version of US national anthem but by somebody other that Jimi Hendrix. I still had radio on but I had turned off the computer last night, sorry for late post.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNid 6950A. 0112z 5-26-13
« on: May 26, 2013, 0132 UTC »
at 0131 hear faint carrier when using ssb mode. In am mode hear occasional bits of music under static.

Tuned in at 0109utc, good/fair, now song "particle man(?). Off at 0125utc. Gave email address of aatwradio@gmail.com, I sent email, hasn't bounced yet.

North American Shortwave Pirate / 6925 LSB 0100 unid so far
« on: May 26, 2013, 0108 UTC »
Symphonic rendition of a Pink Floyd tune, now on another symphonic tune. Was good, now fair. I went over to 6955 upper for a moment and came back and heard nothing. Hope they didn't ID while I was gone. (edit)You are right, it was a pink floyd tune.

Turned on set at 0032utc, good/fair, heard off beat rock, then 1970's tune, suddenly switched to another tune from 1970's.

I thought I heard "Left Lane" at 0128utc. Maybe I'm wrong. weak sig & severe static. Heard dance music at 0100utc, now hear punk rock. Too much static to ID. Edit: just heard XLR8 ID at 0141utc.

Welcome back, Ann. 0043utc, fair/poor/static, Ann strumming guitar and singing, "neverending song of love", "move over little dog", etc.

0100utc with Blondie "call me", Willie Nelson "blue eyes cryin", poor with much static, redmercurylabs@yahoo.com, difficult to understand DJ thru static.

tuned in at 0015utc, poor with much static, unable to hear clear ID's due to static, song: "is that not a (whatever) yes that is a (whatever)", now playing a Supremes tune from 1960's.

Turned on radio at 0107utc and heard mournful country and western music, said Rave on Radio, said George Jones tribute show. I am not much of a fan of his music because it's too sad.

Tuned in at 0150 after seeing TCS email but hear WDDJ, Tune by Earth Wind & Fire, song "right place wrong time", now playing "daddy cool". Kenwood R-2000 7mhz dipole.

Kent State shooting tribute show (tribute to the 4 who died) J Airplane "volunteers of America", CSNY "4 dead in Ohio", Dylan: "hard rain", now playing reggae tune "get up stand up",

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