« on: March 04, 2022, 1450 UTC »
From the Scan-DC mailing list; no idea of how valid these are.
3920.00 USB Working stations in rear bases or Russia
4029.50 USB Tactical in-country, jammed with screaming
woman and "Rooster" jammer loops
4090.50 CW Endless 5L groups in Cyrillic, unknown origin
4128.50 CW Endless 5L groups in Cyrillic, unknown origin
4220.00 USB Duplex for mobiles wkg control on 5125 kHz
4380.00 USB “Basis” Kaliningrad ATC
4395.00 CW Endless 5L groups in Cyrillic, unknown origin
4397.00 USB Tactical artillery coordinates etc, jammed by
4421.00 USB Unknown air use
4610.00 USB Tactical artillery coordinates etc
4625.00 USB S28 - (The Buzzer) - no MONOLITH heard, but
continuous jamming and pirate radio stations being weird. Ukraine
national anthem. Waterfall pictures. Screaming pig jammer.
4649.50 USB Possible Tank Commanders main active channel,
possible Artillery, bearings/grid numbers in Russian, very busy but
now seems dead
4651.00 CW Russian Navy Maritime Patrol/ ASW a/c ground control
4913.00 CW Endless 5L groups in Cyrillic, unknown origin
5050.00 USB Jamming
5125.00 USB Suspected Russian mil command channel, mostly
hearing jamming - the pig loop, Ukraine patriotic music, loop of
Russian voice "Go back to Russia."
5130.00 USB Reported Ukraine MOD use, unverified
5293.00 CW RMP-Russian Navy Baltic Fleet HQ, broadcast
messages for Baltic Fleet collective REO in Cyrillic, “KARTA,” loud at
5331.00 USB Russian military comms, Rooster jamming
5784.00 USB Korsar, Air Force transport control, primary
ground channel
6460.70 CW RMP, like 5293
6552.00 CW Russian Navy MPA/ASW air. Duplex w/6752
6752.00 CW Russian Navy MPA/ ASW ground. Dx w/6552
7050.00 LSB "40 Meter Radio War," stations jamming each
other, similar activity on 7055 and other frequencies
7933.00 USB Very active Russian mil in Kyiv area, heavy
pig jammer and similar, now seems dead
8112.00 CW Russian Air Force - Ground control for bombers
and tankers. A/c on 8990
8131.00 USB Russian Air Force - Bombers and tankers.
Katolik wkg Balans, Russian Air Force Moscow
8821.00 CW Russian Navy, "S" marker and aircraft duplex
with ground on 8830
8830.00 CW Russian Navy ground, aircraft transmit 8821
8990.00 CW Russian Air Force ground, aircraft transmit 8112
9741.00 ISB Very busy command channel, Russian military
with coordinates, LSB and USB duplex
10021.00 CW Russian Navy Maritime Patrol/ ASW a/c ground control
18030.00 USB Korsar: Russian Military Transport Aviation HQ,