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Messages - Andrew Yoder

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Ha! Took some stuff to put away in the shack & turned on the radio, just to see if someone was on. And there is! Decent signal with "They're Coming to Take me Away, Ha Ha!" ID as Radio Corona with coughs & sneezes. Into another song

Excellent signal with Dr. Detroit thanking HFU listeners for reception reports. I have the R-390A set to the 8-kHz filter & the signal is even flattening the RFI from the dishwasher

Thanks! I just found your message

North American Shortwave Pirate / 6970 1308 UTC 8 April 2020
« on: March 08, 2020, 1314 UTC »
Sounds like an older Stretchyman transmitter. Decent carrier with just a little audio making it through

Fair with a good bit of local noise on the lower band. Heard a lot of EDM with some talk over top

Excellent signal & audio on 4015. A clear ID while I was trying to clean up my office a bit

Excellent signal, a bit distorted, with Cream "Sunshine of Your Love"

Nice signal with rock. I opened the filter up to 8 kHz. I missed the ID (by a woman with reverb) before turning the volume up. I don't think it's Ion <--Ha, well, that was wrong!

I checked back, just in case the op read my post & decided to fire back up. And it is back. More metal, but vocals not as guttural.

Decent on the PL-880 with the whip, too

Approx. frequency. Tuned in to a grindcore song, excellent signal, then off at end of song

faint during some crooner songs, then pretty good for Beastie Boys "No Sleep 'til Brooklyn" and "Chattanooga Choo Choo" Clear ID, DJ said 100 watts

Excellent signal with '70s pop & light rock, clear IDs

Signal here is probably around SIO:232 or 242 on the R-390A. Pop music & occasional loud static crashes

Some nice fade ups around 2233-2235. After doing some searching around, it doesn't appear that this one has an e-mail address

General Radio Discussion / Re: Applaud/Smite Karma Ratings?
« on: March 05, 2020, 2124 UTC »
I've never been smitten with karma, but I'll applaud you

Excellent signal & clear IDs with what I assume is old KQLZ recordings with new songs being added in from the op's own play list

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