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Messages - Andrew Yoder

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Wow, really good S9 signal this time with a cover of Chipmunks "Witch Doctor" & into song "Trick or Treat"

Just tuned in to some talk that was weak & I couldn't copy. Wondered if it was Pumpkin Patch or peskies, but then it went into a song, so I knew it wasn't peskies  :)

Just tuned in. Caught the end of "Monster Mash," then some spooky-sounding talk and CW. Ads for Diet 7-Up & Shop Rite. Count Dracula story that sounds like it's from the '50s--aah, it's one of those CBS old-time-style radio shows from the early '70s. Into long segment of Watergate news. Then investigation into dairy monopoly. This has probably been the best signal I've had from Ion

I heard some music, then what I think was audio from Dr. Strangelove, then an old-timey song, & now SSTV. Hearing it on my normal R8 set up & also on the R-5000 on a makeshift antenna setup for Halloween

As I was tuning in, I thought I heard the announcer say "Radio Halloween," then into a Bryan Adams-ish song
pretty good signal

Heard another ID, but it didn't sound like "Radio Halloween" that time  :)

Weak. The recent 48m broadcasts have been much better here

excellent signal with a rap song

Excellent signal with blues rock & then Mark Erelli "Pretend" and Bad English "When I see You Smile"

General Radio Discussion / Re: HF Global Weekend in October?
« on: October 21, 2019, 1655 UTC »
Hi Antennae,
It's November 1-3. I haven't heard about specific tests yet. I plan to be updating my blog with advance tests if/when I receive notice & also post logs. Because of the conditions lately, no one's been too adventurous about testing on high frequencies. We'll see if that changes. If not, look for shows in the standard frequency ranges: 6770-6980, 6200-6320, & 4000-4100 kHz

What's the station's e-mail address?

Noise from our dishwasher running, but still a pretty good signal with ambient electronic instrumental music (a lot like X-FM's background music). First pirate I've heard on 1710 since Tater Patch Radio.

Came back from a dog walk & went out to the car & heard the operator talking about how the transmitter is homebrew at 500 watts into an inverted V with a ground screen. Talked about how much the ground screen helped & how the inverted L was so much better than the dipole that he'd used earlier this year. Also talked about how the music from earlier was by Windows 96 (a band) and the upcoming talk show

Tuned in to a couple of sea shanties, including "Good Ship Venus." Excellent signal

Excellent signal

I was hoping that someone would be on, so that I could clean up the radio shack a bit more . . .  turned on the radio & there was a huge signal on 6885. A lot of pop & '80s new wave: Blondie, the Knack, B-52s, Flock of Seagulls, etc. Really nice to be entertained while I worked on the disaster area

Wonder if this was the station that Chris & I heard on Sunday afternoon on 6950.5?

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HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns