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Messages - skeezix

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QSLs Received / Radio Taiwan Int'l on the final relay from WYFR
« on: August 27, 2013, 2112 UTC »
Came in the mail today, which was a very pleasant surprise. Wrote it off as their website never confirmed submission during multiple attempts.

Equipment / Re: Receiver Question
« on: August 26, 2013, 0347 UTC »
Hi jazzjester-

I've owned a ICF-2010 since March 1988. I blew the front-end FETs around 1989. Sent it to Sony, they fixed it, and threw in some extra replacements (which I've lost since then). I can't remember if they added the protection diodes. Since getting it back, have never blown the FETs as I only use the whip or an antenna connected to the whip. The thing works just as well today as the day I got it. I will never, ever give it up.

In later models of the unit, they put some protection diodes in there to the ext antenna jack, but don't know when nor how to identify a unit with them in it. Be paranoid and hook an antenna to the whip and you'll be fine (as the whip does have the protection diodes).

As far as overload... that surprised me. I'm currently in a major metropolitan area with an 5kW AM pest about 5-10 miles away. The 2010 handles that one gracefully.  I've never put 120' wire on the radio. At most, I'll put a 25' wire onto the whip. While the extra 25' wire brings up the signal, it also brings up the noise. Its a wash on whether its worth it.

Got a pile of other radios, but as far as portables go, it remains my favorite. And nearly 25 1/2 years later, its still going strong. Tonight, recorded Undercover Radio on 6925 kHz USB with a relay of a show from KIPM on the 2010. The only way I'll be separated from my 2010 is by death, and I'm looking for a way to take it with me.

I'd say keep that one and get a second desktop radio. The 2010 is still a portable with its inherent limitations, but still top notch.

Out of curiosity, how big is your lot? Got 500'+ in any direction? If so, take a look at a Beverage on the ground (BOG) antenna. My lot isn't big enough, but a friend has a 3 acre lot and he's got nearly 500' north to south, so some day we're going to lay out an antenna and see how things work. A while back, put out a 2200' BOG on a country road. LOTS of signals on AM (with my 2010) and took forever to roll that wire back up.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: 6925 USB KIPM 0203 August 26
« on: August 26, 2013, 0214 UTC »
Booming in here. SINPO=45545

Great show.

Thanks Dr Benway, really enjoyed it.

Yaesu FT-847 with 100' wire

0041Z 35433 S5 David Bowie "Space Oddity"
0045Z 25432 S5 The Breeders "Cannonball"
0049Z 25432 S5 The Smiths "Panic"
0050Z 25432 S5 ID
0051Z 25432 S5 Soundgarden "Spoonman"
0055Z 35432 S6 Yaz "Situation"
0101Z 35433 S6 UB40 "Red Red Wine"
0106Z 35433 S6 The Smashing Pumpkins "Bullet With Butterfly Wings"
0110Z 35433 S6 ID
0110Z 35433 S6 The Church "Under The Milky Way"

Yaesu FT-847 with 100' wire antenna

Spy Numbers / Re: HM01 on 11530 8/25/13 with weird echo
« on: August 25, 2013, 2328 UTC »
Listening here now at 2323Z.

Voice is echoing here too.  At first thought it might be multi-path, which I guess it could be, but probably not.

Some new RHC DJ snuck into Pedro's studio and thought this would add a bit of panache to the broadcast, which I might say, kinda does with only a bit of imagination needed.

Next up: Reverb

Equipment / Re: HF in the car?
« on: August 25, 2013, 2038 UTC »
I have a Sony CDX-GT570S[1] in my 2000 VW Passat. Pulled out the old Monsoon radio, got a harness and tried the factory active antenna.

On MW, there's a lot of noise, nothing on SW, and FM worked fine.

Put a 31" whip on an NMO mount on the trunk (the standard antenna length its made for) and MW, SW, and FM work great.

As far as overall performance:
On MW its pretty good. I'm satisfied with it. Not picking up any noticeable noise from the car.
On FM its fine. Same as on MW, no noise from the car.

On SW is another thing. When the car is parked, not running, and lights off, SW is fine from 4800-18150 (I haven't explored much below 4800). I listen to R Australia (9580), V of Korea (15180, 11710), V of Greece (15630. Radio doesn't get 9400-9500  >:(, so 9420 is out), R Romania (9700), R Serbia (9685), V of Croatia  (9925  :'( ), The Mighty KBC (9925), R National da Amazonia (11780),  Firedrakes on 13 MHz, Japan somewhere on 15 MHz, and other random stuff I find scattered around. I'd say its probably comparable or a bit better than a portable with a whip as far as sensitivity, but far better in audio quality. Wish it had AM sync...

When the car is running, there is ignition noise from ~11MHz through 17MHz. If the station is strong enough, its not a big deal.

When the headlights are on, can hear what sounds to be a whine from the computer system through most of the SW band. In places, it is strong enough to make a strong station unlistenable (e.g. 4840 in the evenings). Do not hear any of this on MW nor FM.

Going to try replacing the spark plugs with RFI-suppressed ones. That should help, I hope, but it won't do a thing for when some cars are next to me, as it'll pick up their ignition noise. Noticeable, but not very strong and all I have to do is get away from them.

I put this in a year ago using the factory antenna, and last winter finally got the second antenna hooked up. Even with the noise, I still love it and have fulfilled a dream I had since 1988 when I bought my Sony ICF-2010. Listening to the 2010 in the car was possible, but not elegant nor all that great. Listening to SW through the whole system is nothing short of fantastic.

As far as the GT570S itself goes- It does the job and it sounds good. The faceplate is gaudy, buttons & interface are a PITA, too few memories, and no direct entry. Its not a radio in which to scan the bands with, especially while driving. At some time, there may have been something better out there, but got this new off of eBay from Israel and now his supply dried up. Hard to find anything similar as of late, so while the interface sucks, yet sounds good, I'm fairly happy with it since there isn't much choice. And even a year ago when I found it, it was the only one I could find (he had 10, so I got one. Wish I would've picked up a spare).

My car is 13+ years old and still runs well. I've driven a few other new cars for a day (while mine is in the shop). The factory radio on a 2013 Passat or a Toureg is fantastic on MW, even with the little microscopic stub of an antenna. Touch screen, sensitive & selective. I was amazed. But no SW. And with the size of that radio vs my single DIN Sony, not sure what I would do with a new car. Hard to give up SW, even with a nice touchscreen & sensitive MW radio.  So I keep my car with SW & no car payments.  :)

I'm also a ham, so have various transceivers, but none of those have a nice bandwidth for SW listening other than the Yaesu FT-847, but that thing is not going in the car on a daily basis. Plus, with the factory VW radio, never had a way to hook it into the stereo system. With the Sony, it has an aux jack, so could use from an external radio, but then, what's the point? Then have to pack it all up & lock it in the truck when not by the car. And if I use an amateur transceiver, the bw will suck. Car stereo is a lot more convenient and sounds really nice.

If you're considering doing it, do it. Search high & low for receivers now, as it may take a while (if you want a car stereo with SW). As with anything with a limited antenna, it won't be a hardcore DX machine like Chris' 635' loop+SDR, but it certainly will be well worth the effort.

While there are still broadcasters on SW...

[1] Interestingly, Sony seems to have scrubbed the SW portions of the radio from their sites. No idea why, but the box says GT570S and it certainly has SW.

[2] Poking around a bit more...
Kenwood KDC-MP149
That model is for sale online in Australia.

Seems as though this may have SW:
Pioneer DEH-4450BT
Found some on eBay, but no mention of SW with that part number.

Shortwave Broadcast / Firedrake 13675 Aug 25,2013 1534Z
« on: August 25, 2013, 1538 UTC »
1534Z 45434 S7 Firedrake sounding good this morning.
1600Z Off

No other Firedrakes heard 12-19 MHz.

Yaesu FT-847 with ~100' wire

Tuned in around 0130Z while sitting around a fire with a bunch of friends listening.

Used an ATS-909X with a 25' antenna that was laying on the ground (no supports nearby). Signal was S5, but perfectly readable.

Spy Numbers / E11a 14518 USB (983/10) Aug 24, 2013 1810-1815Z
« on: August 24, 2013, 1817 UTC »
From the U of Twente's WebSDR in NL:

14447 37577 63919 24762 96879 19340 82487 73760 54905 06867

Spy Numbers / Re: New Star Broadcast 13750 13:18 utc 8/20/13
« on: August 22, 2013, 1220 UTC »
Took a quick listen this morning (Aug 22, 2013 @ 1217Z) and no sign of them on 13750. Do have CRI very weak on 13755.

Kenwood TS-690S with 102' G5RV @ 25'

Very weak. Can hear the carrier when in USB, but can't make out any audio.

FT-847 with a ~90' wire

Used to listen to them up until the last cuts, now have hard time picking them up.  I better try harder for the next few months...

Funny... was just tuning around on 31m and stopped on 9465 as there's a weak station. Then came here to do stuff, found this thread, responded, then looked up where VoR is on now: 9465 in English! Audio is very weak and unintelligible.

0009Z: Found them in English on 9665, however some sort of QRM causing some problems.

I am starting to get the itch to spend some money on radio stuff. I'll probably just get a Wellbrook. Maybe a Wellbrook & a perseus.

I have a Perseus and its hooked up to a Wellbrook ALA-1530S+. Used to use a 102' G5RV @ 25'. Around 19m and higher frequencies, the 1530S+ is ok. Lower you go, the better it is. Love it on LW & MW. Have a local pest on 1440 that overloads the Perseus, so when on LW & MW, need to toss in 10 db of att.

Haven't done much with it this summer as spending time in the porch, but once the weather gets too cool to be out there, that thing is the best. Get a big hard drive or two. The I/Q files add up fast.

Clandestine Stations / Re: Voice of Tibet
« on: August 21, 2013, 2331 UTC »
Oooo... fun.

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