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Messages - SW Observer

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Very good signal here, S9 +20 for sure on 9420 kHz.

So glad that stations such as the Voice of Greece still broadcast, I always enjoy their music!

Check of the Twente WebSDR at 0335 UTC showed that the birds were still active on 6965 kHz, signal was S7 with moderate fading though it was audible.

I always feel that FG Radio's broadcasts are just too short in length, I'd rather they have an hour long English Service broadcast twice a week, than a 15 minute long English Service broadcast 8 times weekly.

the man is what, 83 years old, this isnt going to last forever.
i can ponder about what will happen to the commercial US SWBC's once he has passed on, since he is their major source of operational income.

I thought about this the other day, I think some of the stations such as WWCR and WHRI will keep going on, since they have many other religious clients to keep their transmitters running. The hardest hit station will sadly be WRMI which has 11 or so transmitters dedicated to Brother Stair, so there'd be major cuts to that station, WWRB would also take a major hit. WBCQ would lose a bit of revenue as well, though similarly to WWCR and WHRI, they have many other clients as well.

Heard continuously on 6965 kHz on the Twente WebSDR from 1600 UTC through 0100 UTC, still transmitting at the time of this post.

This station appears to broadcast bird calls nonstop with no announcements, ID's or interruptions. Signal varies from S9 +10 to S3. Transmission is in AM mode.

I imagine this station to be a pirate but that notion cannot be proven.

Any further details regarding this station are duly appreciated!

The Mighty KBC with oldies, received with great signal in Southern New York, S9 +20 here.

One of my favorite stations to listen to, glad to see them here for another week!

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: Raio Australia 12085AM 1150z 5/7/16
« on: May 07, 2016, 1517 UTC »
Was a bit disappointed to find 9580 kHz absent, I listened to 12085 kHz for awhile, now I switched to the Twente WebSDR to enjoy Radio Australia remotely on 12065 kHz.

Is there a recent article about BBC specifically, that you are referring to?

I'm just curious about the articles as well.

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: Radio Thailand 15590AM 0000z 5/3/16
« on: May 03, 2016, 0309 UTC »
I wish I had listened tonight, I have never once heard Radio Thailand's "North American Service", the best I've ever done is get a barely audible carrier from them.

Shoot! I forgot that it's the 55th anniversary today, 15140 kHz is the best signal of RHC but I'll listen to their transmission on 6000 kHz later this evening.

Reception in North America is nil at this point, though checking WebSDR's and remote receivers, 12065 kHz and 12085 kHz both seem to be off. One may only hope by accident. 9580 kHz still txing.

Shortwave Broadcast / WTWW 5085 kHz at 0241 UTC 4/30/16
« on: April 30, 2016, 0245 UTC »
Blasting in at S9 +20 in Southern New York, nice program of oldies and country music to conclude my Friday. I hope to wake up early tomorrow so I can enjoy some Radio Australia when it propagates well on 9580 kHz.

Listening on my Tecsun PL-660 with just the telescopic antenna.

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: Fred Flintstone WBCQ 7490z 4/29/16 2300z
« on: April 29, 2016, 2333 UTC »
Listening right now in Southern New York on my Tecsun PL-660 receiver, telescopic antenna only.

Excellent signal, SINPO of all 5's, excellent music as well!

Email, but I'm sure they don't responed to everyone. I'll try again someday.

I sent them a reception report via post back in May of 2015, got a paper QSL with a whole roll of stickers and some brochures of their station in October of 2015 or so.

I made sure to attach a few bucks to the letter though.

Good catch!!

I'll listen to Europa 24 on the Twente WebSDR receiver but I've never had the privilege of hearing it in New York, I'll be sure to break out the long wire antenna and give it a shot at that time tomorrow.

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