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Topics - jFarley

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4 October 2012

"The First Debate Show"

About S7, SIO 343 with some fading.  Good audio

0006 Came in to Peter Gabriel - "On the Air"
0010 Dylan - "Everything's Broken"
0013 T Heads - "Don't Worry About the Government"
0016 ROR ID, Neil Young - "Campaigner", BS - "War Pigs"
0032 ROR ID, Dylan - "Political World", "Masters of War", Garcia - "Money Honey"
0101 Dylan - Times They Are A'Changing"
0104 off

Thanks ROR!

30 Sep 2012

I have what seems to be a weak AM here which came on some time around 0120.  I do not have audio.  Occasional SS tfc is making it hard to hear, as is a gob of local QRM just below it.

No ID here, but confirmed by op.

As of 0210, the audio is still trace.

As of 0235, moved to 6925AM.  Far less QRM and noise, but audio here is still trace.
Likewise at 0255.  Carrier is visible, but no audio here.  Occas OTHR QRM, some of it pretty loud.

North American Shortwave Pirate / 6950 USB Wolverine Radio *0059 - 0251*
« on: September 30, 2012, 0101 UTC »
Starting Now.

Massive signal tonight with songs containing girls' names.

0111 Everly Bros - "Wake Up Little Susie"
0146 Turtles - "Eleanor"
0210 Little Feat - "Juliette"
0217 Steely Dan - "Josie"
0249 Echo ID, SSTV
0251 off

Thanks Wolverine!

"...lay down the law and break it..."

QSLs Received / Rave On Radio QSL Hat Trick!
« on: September 29, 2012, 2320 UTC »

Thank You Rave On!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Radio True North 6945 AM *0114
« on: September 29, 2012, 0122 UTC »
29 Sep 2012

0114 On with dance music
0118 RTN ID and addy after 6-note stinger

Weak and still near the floor, and should pick up in a while here.

0137 Recheck still down near the floor
0154 Peaked up a bit.  Excited OM tx (not RTN?) with ments of "Galliana"
0236 Nice pop up with ID, addy, ment that RML is on also tonight.  Into some dance tracks.

Thanks RTN!

North American Shortwave Pirate / SHARON Radio 6925USB *0147 - 0156*
« on: September 26, 2012, 0201 UTC »
26 Sep 2012

0147 On about this time with fast paced show by child announcer with interview, baby screaming, ID as "You are listening to S H A R O N Radio Station", Commodores music, weather report, off 0156 after brief piano music.

About S7 signal, high storm QRN, and sometimes difficult to understand the child's voice, but a lot of fun.


25 Sep 2012

On 6925AM

Weak AM station started up here with music.  Peaked quick around 0133 with a tentative Radio True North ID, followed by OM talk in another voice, then faded down until covered by another signed on at 0143.  Now see a weak carrier on 6940; moved?

On 6940AM

0215 Now starting to get audio here again; a little fady; YL vocal
0227 Still up and down near the floor.  Program of alternating mx selections and OM talk, possibly a relay?
0228 Some Latin music now
0230 Solid RTN ID
0257 A couple two three Celtic tunes
0312 Still playing Celtic music; some really upbeat stuff.  Signal picking up nicely now with occasional peaks to S7, good audio.

Thank you, RTN!  Gotta go get ready for work...

North American Shortwave Pirate / Radio Appalachia 6935AM *0041
« on: September 23, 2012, 0049 UTC »
23 Sep 2012

Doing 20 over S9 on some peaks, some periodic fading, good audio.

0041 "Saginaw, Mi"
0044 "The Long Black Veil"
0047 Radio Appalachia ID, Stoogies bit. another ID
0048 in bluegrass music
0111 ID, Stoogies, ID, and back to music.  Starting to pick up some significant fading.
0127 ID block, and back to music. 

Thanks Radio Appalachia!

Utility / KSM Point Reyes CA 22445CW 1820UTC
« on: September 22, 2012, 1849 UTC »
Long piece about the need to maintain and develop inland waterways, and the economic realities of same.  In at very good level, with near 100% copy in the reader.  24WPM.  VVV DE KSM at 1830z.

North American Shortwave Pirate / RML-CPR QSO 6925USB *0357 - 0401*
« on: September 22, 2012, 1353 UTC »
22 Sep 2012, Recorder Catch on 6925USB

Red Mercury Labs in QSO w/ Chamber Pot Radio.  RML in solid, CPR tough copy.  Talk abt props and the need to put a solar shield around the planet, overdue QSLs, and "Let's get it going - Free Speech!"

Thanks guys!

21 Sep 2012

2302 Carrier on/off a few times; tuning up?

2339 Came back from din; War - "Low Rider"
2342 BOC - "Reaper"
2346 ID, addy by YL
2347 SSTV - Scottie 1
2349 CYOT CW ID and off

About S9+5 here, but intermittent gob of local QRM and nearby storm QRN

Thanks CYOT!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Radio True North 6935AM +0148UTC
« on: September 21, 2012, 0205 UTC »
21 Sep 2012

0148 Hot Chocolate - "I Believe In Miracles"
0155 GNR - "Paradise City"
0159 CW McCall - "Convoy"
0202 RTN ID, addy

Down near the noise generally, but occasional peaks to audibility.

Thank you RTN!

21 Sep 12

Very weak and no ID yet.

0059 Sign on w/ bits of 3DN - "Black & White", "Who Are You"
0104 Lee Michaels - "Do You Know What I Mean"
0116 "Black & White" again, whole song
0123 SMB - "Jet Airliner"? Dobie Gray - "Drift Away"?
0133 Noting some rapid carrier drift, and some intermittent on/off; signal is a tad stronger now, but still hearing mainly
        bass line here
0137 "Black & White", "Who Are You" clips
0144 off

Has been declining steadily in readability since the start.
Thank you for the ID, DimBulb!
Thanks you for the show, CM!

QSLs Received / Radio Casablanca QSL
« on: September 20, 2012, 2106 UTC »

Thanks Rick!

Came in during dinner - ScottieDX

About S8 here, but noise from incoming storms starting to build.

Thanks Radio Ga-Ga!

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HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns