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Messages - RainBrandy

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That's far out! Thanks so much Luke Warm for this fat eQSL! You made my day!

QSLs Received / Re: Radio Illuminati eQSL
« on: June 19, 2017, 0659 UTC »
Awesome eQSL design from Radio Illuminati. Thanks again, AC!

I copied the same here on my Perseus recording in Germany,
but too weak for any identification.
The music he played sounded like the same selection of LukeWarm
recently, but it's only a guess.

Anybody out there who can provide the valid e-mail access for the station?
I missed it. Thanks in advance!

Wow, I had the complete show from 00.27 to 01.32UTC on my
Perseus webSDR tonight here in Germany, SINPO 33443, very good!
Unfortunately the SSTV was caused by het here, so the result isn't the best.
Anyway, thanks for the show and great signal again WR!

22.52 UTC Godsmack - Cryin' Like A Bitch (per shazam)

clear audio on my Perseus webSDR in Germany tonight. SINPO 23222
Great to have good US propagation again!

02.45 UTC Rap music with OM, many f*****g words
02.54 UTC off again

My tonight's Perseus SDR recording in Germany, SINPO 33333, good copy
I made a recording, if the OP should be interested
Please QSL to my e-mail address and thanks for the show!

02.08 UTC carrier on, heavy metal sound
02.23 UTC The Mighty Mike Schermer Band - My Big Sister's Radio (clear by Shazam)
02.26 UTC Station e-mail by OM: captainmorganshortwave@gmail.com, into Seal - Walk On By
02.29 UTC blues song sung by OM
02.31 UTC station announcement within the song... you're wonna in the pirate world
02.32 UTC close down

My tonight's Perseus SDR recording in Germany, SINPO 24222, fairly good copy here
Please QSL to my e-mail address and thanks for the show!

00.57 UTC I detected the AM carrier then, had music from 01.00 UTC onwards
but too low to get any details until
02.03 UTC Johnny Nash - I Can See Clearly Now (clear by shazam)
02.40 UTC music, close down (carrier off)

My tonight's Perseus SDR recording in Germany, SINPO 12221, very tough copy
Please QSL to my e-mail address and thanks for the show, AC!

00.48 UTC Music and clear station IDs several times by OM: LUKEWARM RADIO
00.50 UTC station IDs again, dance music
00.52 UTC again clear station ID Lukewarm Radio
00.54 UTC IDs again, strange electro sound
01.00 UTC Station ID again, slow classical guitar sound
01.01 UTC station ID again, music
01.05 UTC music
01.09 UTC music, male singer
01.12 UTC station IDs again, off or fade out
01.13 UTC on again shortly? with station IDs, vanished again

My tonight's Perseus SDR recording in Germany, SINPO 13221, tough copy
I made a recording, if the OP should be interested
Please QSL to my e-mail address and thanks for the show!

23.18 UTC Station IDs jingles by OM, Clever Name Radio... your station... Free Radio
23.20 UTC also ID by YL, Rap sound

directly heard in NW Germany, great audio tonight, SNPO 34333, local thunderstorms

these are the extracts of what I recorded last night:
23.40 UTC TX on with AC/DC track
23.45 UTC rap sound
23.51 UTC new rap sound
23.51 UTC ID by OM; Welcome to Clever Name Radio, 6-9-40-5 on your shortwave listener(?) today
23.52 UTC rap sound
23.55 UTC "Boom boom boom" rap song by YL and OM
00.00 UTC song "I scream.... I die"
00.03 UTC Pink Floyd - See Emily Play
00.06 UTC unid rap sound
00.29 UTC Bob Marley - Is This Love
00.34 UTC guitar tune
00.35 UTC station ID trailer (by CoolAM production), Clever Name Radio, pirate, powerful
00.52 UTC Van Halen - Little Guitars
00.55 UTC close down of fade out

I had the station on my Perseus SDR on tonight's recording: SINPO 33333,
quite loud, but very hard to copy, strong USB compression (overmodulated?),
anyway, great US signal.
Please eQSL to my e-mail and thanks a lot for the BC, CNR! New one to me!

03.50 UTC Fat song for Skipmuck
03.54 UTC DJ announces request of Skipmuck
03.55 UTC we do it for you, jingle, Elvis Costello - Peace Love and Understanding
03.59 UTC announcement, The Doors - Love Me Two Times
04.03 UTC announcement, greetz to RainBrandy (thanks a lot WDDR!)
04.03 UTC The Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You (thanks a lot for playing my request!)
04.06 UTC Announcement by Drunken DJ, for RainBrandy, WDDR, jingle
04.07 UTC Cream - Crossroads
04.11 UTC announcement, Drunken DJ Radio, Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls, fading now
04.18 UTC announcement, SSTV now
04:19 UTC another SSTV (see my weird pic)
04:21 UTC annnouncement and possibly off or fade out

wow, I just awoke in Europe, clear signal of WDDR at my RX in Germany, SINPO 34433
really amazing! I would love to listen to The Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You
Thanks Drunken DJ for the great music and for playing my request. I will post a report
to you also for another eQSL from you! Thanks in advance for your support!

19.57 UTC Sweet - Hell Raiser
19.58 UTC Jingles, David Bowie - Drive-In Saturday
20.03 UTC Mud - Crazy
20.07 UTC Suzie Quatro - 48 Crash
20.11 UTC Status Quo - Mean Girl
20.15 UTC ID Cool AM, glam rock music show, Queen Mum about glam rock
20.15 UTC Nazareth - Broken Down Angel
20.20 UTC Slade - Skweeze Me, Pleeze Me
20.23 UTC ID, Cool AM Flashback jingle, The Osmonds - Goin' Home

via K2SDR tonight, same show as on May 13th, SINPO 34433, nice audio!
Thanks for the nice glam rock music, please eQSL to my e-mail address, André!

European MW Pirate Radio / Re: 1663AM Serbien music free Radio
« on: April 20, 2017, 0540 UTC »
The station name should be Radio ROMEO from Serbia, the OP is active there on 1663 kHz quite often!

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