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Messages - RainBrandy

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The station was called MCB Radio (not MTV) on internet and 747 kHz and some parts of their programme were relayed by Radio Jong Europe.
So no own station but just an unauthorized takeover!

The station was called MCB Radio (not MTV) on internet and 747 kHz and some parts of their programme were relayed by Radio Jong Europe.
So no own station but just an unauthorized takeover!

I received the same eQSL for both shows! Great stuff! Thanks a lot Pancho! Stay strong!

QSLs Received / Re: Foxy AM eQSL 5 March 2022
« on: March 07, 2022, 1632 UTC »
Thanks to Foxy AM for the nice eQSL!

QSLs Received / Re: Voice of Laryngitis via TRI eQSL 5 Mar 2022
« on: March 07, 2022, 1631 UTC »
I received mine also! Thanks a lot TRI!

sorry for being late... other commitments forced me, hehe...

21.07 UTC talk by OM, next stop for Labor Day
21.08 UTC Randy Newman - Mr. President Have Pity On The Working Man
21.11 UTC Station ID by OM (weak audio) ALTERED STATES RADIO, get ready...next tracks announced, Labor Day BC
21.11 UTC Frank Zappa - Why Does It Hurt When I Pee
21.14 UTC Station ID by OM, PoBox 293, Merlin Ontario Canada, N0P 1WO, let us know...
21.15 UTC Motörhead - Jack The Ripper
21.19 UTC ID by OM, ... and now word from our sponsor, it's trill, Mrs. VQ?, about beer
21.22 UTC about napalm bombs? (hu), ID, addresss, The Firesign Theatre - 40 Great Unclaimed Melodies
21.25 UTC Airforce... take your seat, General Coldheart?, The Army Training Film
21.27 UTC ID again and Merlin address
21.28 UTC Iron Maiden - The Apparation

nice signal and fair reception (SINPO 43333) on the KiwiSDR run by K1RA in Warrenton, VA
I made a short recording if the relay-OP is interested.
If possible please eQSL to my addy. BTW I have ASR QSLs from 1995 and 2007 in my collection, heard directly at the time.

05.06 UTC some talk detected
05.06 UTC air raid sirens heard
05.07 UTC male announcer, strange voice, laughing
05.09 UTC spanish talk by OM, and audience screaming, Estados Unidos...
05.11 UTC Pancho speaking shortly, station ID by announcer, voiceofpanchovilla@yahoo.com?
05.12 UTC usual PanchoVilla music, woman speaks about Russians and Putin
05.13 UTC about Vladimir Putin, male and female announcer speaking, music in background
05.14 UTC Ukraine mentioned
05.15 UTC new music, midi sound?
05.18 UTC signal gone

weak on Milford, PA KiwiSDR run by K3FEF
Thanks Pancho for the show! Please eQSL to my addy!

22.50 UTC The Zombies - Care Of Cell 44
22.52 UTC pause, female ID Clever Name Radio protonmail.com (given out twice)
22.53 UTC female announcer, pause again
22.54 UTC Depeche Mode - Everything Counts
22.58 UTC ID by woman, "request lines are open, I will wait"
then off

direct reception here in NW Germany, SINPO 23332
Thanks for the show and please eQSL to my addy below

22.18 UTC male announcer speaks about reception today (well known voice!)
22.22 UTC announcer gave Foxy AM information
22.24 UTC talk about politics and war
22.26 UTC Ukrainian war, Putin bombs
22.31 UTC thanks for listening to my...
22.34 UTC CW
22.35 UTC Station ID by male announcer, Foxy AM ID, Buddy Holly - True Love Ways
22.38 UTC station ID again, Neil Young - One Of These Days
22.42 UTC male announcer within the song
22.44 UTC announcer about someone killed, talk about US, desaster

quite good reception on a North Eastern US KiwiSDR, SINPO 34443
Finally the signal crossed the pond and I have the carrier in NW Germany also, slight audio too.
Thanks for the transmission, please eQSL to my addy below!

21.49 UTC The Trills - Nothing Changes Around Here
21.51 UTC Ruth Radelet - Twilight
21.55 UTC Guitar Vader - Super Brothers
21.58 UTC Station ID by male announcer, WTF Radio Worldwide... North America
21.58 UTC FredAtlast - One Day
22.02 UTC Reptaliens - Like A Dog
22.06 UTC O. Wake - Riper Than Ripe
22.09 UTC male DJ with ID: From the East Coast Of North America, this is the WTF Radio Worldwide
22.09 UTC Jack River - Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby
22.14 UTC The Jungle Giants - Domesticated Man

Very good on a North Eastern US KiwiSDR (AB1KW in Concord, NH), SINPO 44444
Thanks for the show and please eQSL to my addy below!

21.35 UTC comedy, e.g. Radio Morania, 119 1413 3471... phone numbers, To be or Not to be
21.37 UTC Michael Jackson comedy, balcony studio 6, numbers, ID by OM Voice Of Laryngitis, postal address given
21.38 UTC ID by male DJ again, calling He-Man, Battle Creek address, sirens
21.39 UTC VoA in special English, this is a raid, piano, 20s music
21.40 UTC for QSL-card "write to us", male and female DJ, HFUderground.com mentioned
thanks for listening and 73 from Truth Radio International
21.41 UTC sign off

Reception was nice (SINPO 34433) via KiwiSDR run by AB1KW in Concord, NH.
Thanks a lot TRI for this replay! Well done indeed! Please eQSL to my addy!

QSLs Received / Re: Radio Pushka eQSL, 20 Feb. 2022 broadcast
« on: February 23, 2022, 1502 UTC »
... and I received the same one! Thanks Mr. Pushka, for the e-mail chat also!

18.21 UTC Dimie Cat - Glam (Electro Swing Remix)
18.24 UTC Jesse Rose - Fatman
18.29 UTC Dirty Honkers - Ginger Bread Man
18.33 UTC India-Oscar-November - This ION Radio (by female announcer with slight echo)
18.33 UTC Caravan Palace - Lone Digger
18.37 UTC India-Oscar-November - This ION Radio (by female announcer with slight echo)
18.37 UTC Parov Stelar - Booty Swing
18.40 UTC India-Oscar-November - This ION Radio (by female announcer with slight echo)
18.40 UTC Jamie Berry feat. Octavia Rose - Lost In The Rhythm
18.43 UTC This ION Radio (by female announcer with slight echo)
18.43 UTC Alice Francis - Gangsterlove (Shiny Mob Remix)

quite nice on AB1KW KiwiSDR, Concord, NH!
In fact I like Parov Stelar - the pioneer of Electroswing!

Unfortunately I have to leave but please eQSL to my addy! Thanks a lot, ION, for the music!

I had "Indy Radio" here tonight - so Euro station

edit by Ray : Indy Radio was probably on the air all the night
from Saturday 19th to Sunday 20th.

The TX is probably not in continental Spain (neither in the Baleares Island),
but 'somewhere' far away.

10.28 UTC Stern - Over U
10.34 UTC jingle, male DJ announces: Pushman Radio, ... Radio Pushka - where Radio listens to you
10.35 UTC talk by 2 men... still here, comedy, about Northpole
10.36 UTC Aurograph - I Need You
10.40 UTC jingle, male DJ announces: Pushman Radio, ... Radio Pushka - where Radio listens to you
10.41 UTC Luigi Ic - The Cube
10.47 UTC jingle, male DJ announces: Pushman Radio, ... Radio Pushka - where Radio listens to you
10.48 UTC ATOW - Рассматривая звёзды (Looking At The Stars)
10.51 UTC another techno house music, tent. Alex Ander - I Thought ?
10.56 UTC Tehnikum - Tishina Vokrug
11.01 UTc music, but too deep fading

weak to fair on an Eastern US KiwiSDR (AB1KW, Concord,NH)
I made a short recording if interested!

Thanks for the show! Please eQSL to my addy! 

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