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Messages - Skipmuck

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North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: WJFK 6949.5 AM 2104- 11/22/14
« on: November 22, 2014, 2109 UTC »
Here again also with strapping signal at 2106 UTC with end of "Sunny", into "PT-109"-James Dean

Hearing a tune by Ziggy Marley at 2023 UTC-"No Woman, No Cry" Nice S7 and good audio!
2026 UTC "Mr. Spaceman"-Byrds
2029 UTC "Couldn't Get It Right"-Climax Blues Band (Thanks Andy!)
2032 UTC "I Feel the Earth Move"-Carole King
2035 UTC "Leader of the Band"-Dan Fogelberg
2039 UTC A familiar Rock tune from the 70's I forgot the name of!
2043 UTC UNID Live vocal tune man singer
2046 UTC OFF

Thanks for the afternoon trip through the 70's whoever you are!

1949 UTC Nice signal at S8 here on 6949.4ish KHZ with a song mentioning PT109, then a short clip of "Big John".
1951 UTC "Abraham, Martin, and John"-Dion
1954 UTC Man announcer with repeated ID's (and ID in phonetics?)...."WJFK", then OFF
1956 UTC Back on again with "Sunny"-Bob Hebb
1959 UTC "PT-109"-Jimmy Dean
2002 UTC "Abraham, Martin, and John"-Dion
2005 UTC ID by man announcer repeated several times (also phonetics?)..."WJFK
2006 UTC OFF
I had to look up the song Sunny to see what the relationship was to JFK. Seems the song was written by Bobby Hebb in the days following the JFK assasination and the murder of Bobby Hebbs older brother the same day as JFK!

(Thanks for the show and a remembrance of a good man!)

Weak signal mostly at or below threshold at 1938 UTC, rising above the noise now and then. "I Want You/She's So Heavy"-Beatles. Signal picked up a bit from 1945-1947 UTC.

Thanks for the post Beerus! Tune in at 1453 UTC to the end of Nirvana tune, then Man announcer at 1454 UTC with ID and email and snail mail address followed by "Rebel, Rebel"-David Bowie. Signal with deep fades and occasional peaks of S3 amid lots of noise.
EDIT: I was quite incorrect in the ID heard at 1454 UTC. Ooops, thought the voice sounded familiar! Listened back on the recording and definitely Channel Z. Oh well...good morning Z!

...and I thought I was a real whack job :o I think you two have been working too hard and need to go on vacation. Maybe a NICE Nantucket Sleigh Ride down to McMurdo Station would help you to achieve equilibrium :)

Solid S8 signal here with nice audio at 2339 UTC with "Channel Z"-B-52's, Happy Anniversary song at 2342 UTC, Man announcer with ID..."10th Anniversary". :), into "Mystery Achievement"- Pretenders
2348 UTC Man announcer with a look back at the 10 years on the air, into a truly ragged version of "A Little Help From My Friends"
2352 UTC UNID punk rock tune
2356 UTC Happy Anniversary ditty, man announcer intro to "Wonderdog-Ruff Mix"
(Signal is holding up nicely tonight...hope the band doesn't go long and I get to hear the whole show!)
0001 UTC Man announcer with mention of last song (Simon Crowell), HA, then Man announcer with QSL info, email and snail mail address.
???Signal totally buried in the noise here...well, anyway, I have a very weak carrier now at about 6937.7 KHZ or so

Fair signal here at 0025 UTC with ukulele music and BB chatting between tunes. High noise floor here tonight with moderate fading making for lousy copy. Music coming through OK, but can't follow what BB is saying.

Putting in a fair signal here at 0015 UTC, mostly above the noise. Nice to hear this again on this frequency. I still believe this to be some kind of X-band harmonic, intentionally or otherwise. The mystery continues... :)

"due to a gradual and irreversible fall in demand for shortwave radio services" :'(

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Unid 6950 USB 0018z 11/20/2014
« on: November 20, 2014, 0037 UTC »
S5 amidst moderate noise here at 0031 UTC with a sultry voiced lady singer
0033 UTC Silent interval then what sounds like the same lady singer....lounge music (but she's got a nice voice!)
0037 UTC Song-Same Lady, but this one's a little funkier!
0042 UTC XLR8 ID by man announcer spoken very slowly

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6950.2 AM 0144 UTC 19Nov14
« on: November 19, 2014, 0159 UTC »
Tuned in at 0143 UTC to a strange electronica rap tune about "I'm A GI Joe" (The corporal dropped the soap). Signal started out at S5, but faded out during the next song (UNID) at 0147 UTC. Signal completely buried in the noise now at 0158 UTC. Hmmm...

I'm hearing weak piano music at 0121 UTC, S3 and just barely above the noise floor.
0130 UTC Some kind of music with vocals (Keeps fading in and out of the noise...real tough copy here)
0133 UTC A bit of chanting rap lyric?
0134 UTC A jangly guitar tune
Thanks for breaking the boredom here XLR8! Too bad the prop sucks tonight :(

Darn, missed this again, except for the last few minutes :(. Found it on 6930 at 0043 UTC with man talking, then email address as londoncalling6930@gmail.com and then an SSTV at 0045 UTC. Best in USB with slight het, as there is some annoying ute QRM.

North American Shortwave Pirate / RFW 6925 USB 2204 UTC NOV 16, 2014
« on: November 16, 2014, 2211 UTC »
Tuned into something briefly at 2204 UTC on 6925 USB, sounded like the Soviet Anthem, so maybe RFW? Before I had a chance to fine tune and hit the recorder button, they were off abruptly!  ??? Good signal!
2211 UTC Back on, then off, then on again with DJ Dickweed and Stavin talking about the signal not sounding right. Sounds pretty good to me! Maybe a little extra on the bottom end? Said something about antenna adjustment earlier.
2217 UTC OFF again (Hey Comrades, I listened back on the recording and it does sound rather boomy!)
2220 UTC Back on again with Anthem and then the Comrades chatting about the antenna adjustment and then ragging on Mr. Smolenski's Burger Avatar ;D
(Sounds good now comrades!!!)
2237 UTC "Desire"-Meg Myers (Request for Mr. Lobdell)
(Thanks for the shoutout comrades!)
OFF at 2330 UTC...Thanks for the Sunday evening entertainment DJ Dickweed and Assistant Stavin!

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