European Pirates and Private Stations / Merseyland Alternative Radio 6266.4 AM 1712 UTC 09 FEB 2025
« on: February 09, 2025, 1715 UTC »
on 6266.37
1712 music, talking (no copy), music
1726 ID (no copy), nr 07...
1745 ID (no copy)
1753 ID as Ewell Radio ?
>> real ID thanks to ukdxer (see below)
1824 music, announcement no copy (so so audio, and UT QRM now), music
1926 still there, talking, then music
1712 music, talking (no copy), music
1726 ID (no copy), nr 07...
1745 ID (no copy)
1753 ID as Ewell Radio ?
>> real ID thanks to ukdxer (see below)
1824 music, announcement no copy (so so audio, and UT QRM now), music
1926 still there, talking, then music