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Topics - Ray Lalleu

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on 6266.37
1712 music, talking (no copy), music
1726 ID (no copy), nr 07...
1745 ID (no copy)
1753 ID as Ewell Radio ?
>> real ID thanks to ukdxer (see below)
1824 music, announcement no copy (so so audio, and UT QRM now), music
1926 still there, talking, then music

on 6260.0
1702 music, rock, hard rock,
1707 talking in D, ... Markies... (ID ?)
1709 carrier
1710 TX OFF

edit : ID confirmed by Achim and Toutatis

on 6305.97
1657 weak here, some rock, 1659 techno,
1701 OFF

on 6953.97  very weak
1635 "Volare" remix, 1638 unk. pop,
1642 ID (no copy), next song
1756 pop beat, SSB voice nearby

OFF by 1800
moved to 6959.95
1807 pop beat music

edit : I presumed it was New Dance Radio, but from FOX (below) and JBK (in his blog),
I change that to Chaos Radio Int. (TENTATIVE)

second edit : WKOS (acc. to RainBrandy, see reply below)  <<< moving a copy of this late reply just in the lines below

Title: Re: Chaos Radio Int. (TENTATIVE) 6954-6960 AM 1635 UTC 09 FEB 2025
Post by: RainBrandy on February 13, 2025, 1740 UTC
The station is called WKOS and it's from from Hungary

on 6299.95
1532 some folk music, again, from Greece I think, weak but clear

1548 suddenly disturbed by another station on 6300 too
new station : pops, announcements , "Ring my bell", etc...
1602 the slogan of Soul of England

1604 only station in E Europe language, clear now (more power ! )
1618 twice the ID - - - Radio (ID in reply below)
1619 back to lower power (no interference now)
1622 fading down
1623 LOST

on 6278.12
1522 music, 1527 ELO "Mr Bluesky", 1532 "Baby come back"

on 6300.0-   
at noise level at home, better on SDR in UK
1444 D song, 1446 "Teasing",
1449 talking, low power, known voice, next song
1453 Donovan "Mellow yellow"
1455 OFF

on 6205.84
1315 very weak here, some music
1321 better on UK SDR, 1325 Hollies "Long cool woman..."
1328 OFF at end of song

1337 Hollies again, 1339 rock

1422 Madness "Night boat to Cairo",
1426 OFF, no ID

1524 back, music

on 6290.0
1308 talking in D, ID

1359 "Jolene"

1521 D music
1647 operette? tune in G, 1648 "Sultans of swing"

on 6294.97   very weak
1128 music, blank, 1130 music
1135 OFF

on 6335.04
1111 very weak, noisy, music, better in UK but much weaker than 6325, 1114 music and DJ
ID : see the replies below

1330 "Can't go home"
1410 ID + contacts

on 6290.0--
1015 C&W, DJ in D, 1018 "Ghost riders", 1020 "Encore une fois" part,
1021 DJ in D, music parts, 1023 Black Power (hope this is an ID),
1024 OFF

on 6160.0    weak noisy here
0924 music
0942 rock, 0944 music, 0948 ID, Koto background, contacts

>> till 1000 only I think

on 9800.00   strong
0841 "I'm a train", 0844 ID + web site, multi-ID, music
0940 "I love rock'n roll", ID, mail, phone nr, 0941 DJ, D pop

on 5800.02
0835 music
>> to Patrice : OK, that is Contikenzo/Akenzo
0927 D song, 0930 DJ, D song
1058 Beatles "We can work it out", 1100 ID Contikenzo by DJ

2003 "Lonesome me"

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