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Topics - Ray Lalleu

on 3905.0
2252 soft rock, 2254 off

on 6286.0
2144 singer and kid choir, somewhat reggae, then other music, non stop, 2205
2226 good signal, 2256 the same

ID : see the  replies

on 5800.0
2128 free radio skit, good night, have a nice wek-end, off

on 5140.0
2119 song from ca 1930, 2122 ID, W singer in G, 2123

on 6305.05
2028 "God only knows", W DJ, ID, next pop, 2030

on 6319.95
1945 J. & the Hurricanes, then up and down, 2002 Hollies "Carrie-Anne", 2005 next
2007 Schocking Blue "Venus", 2011 music and talking, 2012  "Wooly bully", 2015 D song
2209 IDs Radio Ronalisa @ hotmail.com, 2210 off

on 5770.1
1906 pop from the late 60's ~, 1908 DJ in D, from R.Veronica, jingle, etc...
1930 recording from R. Veronica

on 5800.05
1831 rap, 1836 Supremes "Reflections
1842 "Got to get you into my life" cover
1845 Radio Fifty Eight Pend??, then recordings of 558... with DJs, about Ross Revenge and Communicator, etc... also about Rainbow Warrier, and music background all along,
1849 'Laser 558', also all recording with reverb, till :
1853 You're listening to radio Fifty Eight (Unzend?? hundred?), then pops, 1858
1904 clear ID, music

on 6240.2          tentative
1657 very/extra weak, music, 1700

on 6210.0
1638 music,    1646 music, 1648 couple of words with reverb, music
1651 W voice (could be Mandy?), music, 1652 gurgling ut., 1654 fading up
1656 ... Hot Hits (not quite OK), mx, 1740 "Living by numbers"
1747 music, hum, 1750 W DJ, a  second carrier underneath

on 5770.0-
1615 carrier
1627 DJ, pop, 1629 DJ, pops, 1634 jingle : Magic FM ?, ...Amsterdam.., pop
1702 coucou and bell and ..29,  pops, M+W DJs or ads
1715 "Daydream believer", 1721 Veronica jingle, "Tutti fruti", and '3-3-1-1-9' ID, etc...1728

(1830 gone)

on 6275.2+
1120 music and talking : Radio Johnny - - , ...pirate statio... thnan you very much
it's Radio ...., bit of music, off at 1121

on 6335.0
0517 mix of two stations, one with music at times, the other talking

0435 ska, 0446 ska, 0448 couple of words, ska

also 1133-1139, 1613, 1730

on 6210.0
0353 music, Unid
0407 now fading out, 0413 trace
0419 trace of music, then talking, 0422 extra weak music,
0423 fading up (and it's daylight here now), 0425 DJ, ska, DJ, 0430 music
more music, with DJ, 0509 ID at last, music,
0512 ID, E version of Jacques Brel's "Jacky"

(expected to go off soon for the daytime)

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