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Topics - Ray Lalleu

on 5140.0
1705 typical music choice, 1709 ID, jazz band, 1712 jazz band again
1831 old time music and Hollywood  high times nostalgia, 1849 ID, Roaring 20's

on 6205.0
1648 pop, jingle ID, pop, 1652, etc...
2156 easy

0030 hard to hear now (skip zone growing)

on 6240.0
1643 D song "Ronalisa" ?, 1647 next
1658 schlager, 1700 a few words, music
1714 music, 1715 '---- Radio ....', more D music,  D songs, 1727 accordion, 1730

(1830 gone)

on 6305.1-
1210 Supertramp, 1216 ID+phone nr+@, etc
1409 "Music was my first love"
1653 "Love shack", 1657 ID, etc

on 6300.0+        very weak, ut.QRM, side QRM from 6295
2019 music, ID not OK, music, 2021 ID no copy, music, and off?

edit : ID thanks to JBK

on 6240.0    (not the same TX as this morning ? )
1819 already a trace, 1950
1957 fading in, music, 2002

on 6285.0   extra weak, noisy, splash
1905 music, barely heard, 1912 talking, .... good evening .......
music and talking at times (no copy), 1918
1927 ..... shortwave .....  dot com ...., splash from 6295, music, 1930

(1945 gone)

on 5140.0
1718 "Lulai lulai"?title, next oldie, 1724 ID, jazz, 1727 Orson Welles speaking, music

on 6275.0
1201 music, 1202 canned ID, music
1215 very weak, 1217 "Ca plane pour moi"

on 5726.6-
1023 very weak, noisy, music, 1027
1032 in a fade

(1159 gone)

on 6305.0-   extra weak
0946 talking (no copy at all), 0948 some music, and talking , 0950
Not Merlin !

(0952 no signal)

on 6270.0+
0828 DJ and music, etc... 'this is Atlantic 2-5-2 on long wave', etc,
0835 at last really a record ? lasting for 1 min now, 0837
0847 disco, DJ, IDs, greets to ukdxer, music, 0850

on 6205.0
0642 ID at once, Martin Scott, music
0813 music "Slow down"?(title?), 0818 'Laser', some rapper above instrum. from the 60's
0822 good aft' to a listener in Germany, ID, e-mail, 0823 next record

on 6210.0
0809 pop, side QRM from 6205
0825 same situation, (6205 is much stronger)
1001 still on, with music, back from a fade, 1004 very weak

(1008 no signal)

on 6295.0-
0710 trace
0739 extra weak, music, 0740 a few words, music, 0744
0748 fading up, pop oldie, 0750 next
0759 talking, accordion music

(0838 no signal)

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